Results that match 1 of 2 words


Nicotine pouches are being marketed to young people But are they safe

26 February 2024 -
Nicotine pouches are being marketed to young people on social media. 27 February 2024. But are they safe, or even legal? It's not surprising that the tobacco industry is introducing more products to maintain its future revenue stream as reforms

The Centenary Exhibition

Monday October 18, 2021
Curated by Chris Fox and Iakovos Amperidis. Exhibition Team: Katie Hubbard / Sooyeon Lim / Justin van Ryneveld / Christina Rita / Harry Stitt.

Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence past recipients

Outstanding Teaching and Research. Omid Kavehei, Faculty of Engineering. Christina Abdel Shaheed, Faculty of Medicine and Health. ... Christina Bacchiella. Keiran Passmore. Dr Petr Matous. Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the

Covert tobacco industry marketing tactics exposed by former employees

7 December 2021 -
Direct advertising of tobacco to consumers has long been banned, however this study exposes that tobacco companies continue to market their products through thousands of tobacco retailers,” said lead author Christina

Health policy graduate driving change through education

6 September 2023 -
I returned to Mongolia and secured the position of Quality Manager, then Healthcare Program Manager at the Christina Noble Children's Foundation in Ulaanbaatar.

More efficient transformation of captured CO2 developed by researchers

16 March 2023 -
A new chemical process is giving carbon capture and conversion "more bang for buck" by more efficiently converting captured CO2 into multi-carbon products like ethylene, which are used in a wide range of everyday products from pharmaceuticals to

Study suggests ADHD diagnosis in childhood hasn t improved quality of life for teens

14 October 2022 -
An Australian study examining the quality of life in relation to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses suggests a diagnosis in childhood is currently not associated with improved quality of life for Australian teens.