Bibliography - Opening the Multilingual Archive of Australia (OMAA)

Categories: Arabs in Australia; Asians in Australia; Chinese in Australia; Discovery and Exploration; Displaced persons and refugees in Australia; Dutch in
Research opportunities_

Using virtual reality environments to investigate cognitive function and psychological disorders

Research Supervisor Connect. The School of Psychology has developed a large laboratory for developing immersive virtual environments. I am looking for students to use these tools to develop tests for assessing basic psychological functions, such as
Research opportunities_

Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairments

Research Supervisor Connect. Cancer and cancer treatments are associated with a wide range of side effects, including those of the nervous system. These present as neuropathic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairments, which have have major negative

Associate Professor Ian Johnston

People_. Associate Professor Ian Johnston. ShareEmail. ... 2020. CRFI-Ian Johnston, Johnston I, DVC Research/CRFI-Boyd Mervin Wilson - Bequest.

Professor Ian Marschner

Ian Marschner has over 30 years of experience in biostatistics applied to clinical trials, clinical epidemiology and public health. He is currrently Professor of Biostatistics in the NHMRC Clinical…

Professor Jennifer Alison

Professor Jennifer Alison is a Professor of Respiratory Physiotherapy, Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney and Professor Allied Health (Chronic Diseases)…

Professor Kate Jolliffe

BSc (Hons), University of New South Wales, 1993 PhD, University of New South Wales, 1997 Postdoctoral Fellow, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands 1996-1998 Temporary Lecturer, University of…

Professor Michael Murray

Michael Murray is an Honorary Professor in Sydney Pharmacy School. He graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy with First Class Honours and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of…