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Smoke Signals

Smoke SignalsSmokeSignals. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESSAlso by Simon Chapman. Over our dead bodies: Port Arthur and Australia’s fight for guncontrol. Let sleeping dogs lie? What men should know before gettingtested for prostate cancer. Removing the

Archaeology of the Chinese fishing industry in colonial Victoria

Hamilton, New ZealandDr Ian WG Smith, Associate Professor, University of Otago, New ZealandDr Iain Stuart, Principal, JCIS Consultants, Sydney, NSW. ... Ian Jack (1993: 131) puts it this way:. historical archaeology is most useful to historical

Contemporary Australian Literature

I amgrateful to Philip Mead and Ian Henderson for originally soliciting some of these ideas. ... He also avoids a metaphysic of good and evil, despite being a convinced Christ-ian.

Transforming a University: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice

Ian Sefton and Manjula Sharma 99. PART III RESEARCHING STUDENTS’ PREPAREDNESS FORUNIVERSITY STUDY 115. ... Ian Sefton is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School Physics, Facultyof Science, and an acolyte of the Sydney University Physics Education

Water Wind Art and Debate: How environmental concerns impact on disciplinary research

Water Wind Art andDebate. How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research. Edited by Gavin Birch. Contents. Foreword v. Part 1 Legal and political issues 11 A slow burn: the emergence of climate change law in Australia 32 Global warming

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Research centres

Chief investigator: Professor Ian Hickie.