Currently Academic Researcher.
Dr Fiona Kumfor holds a Masters of Clinical Neuropsychology (Macquarie University) and a PhD in Neuroscience (University of New South Wales). She is currently an NHMRC Career Development Fellow…
Currow, D., Chang, S., Ekstrom, M., Hutchinson, A., Luckett, T., Kochovska, S., Hay, P., Touyz, S., Dal Grande, E., Johnson, M.
Elizabeth Denney-Wilson is Professor of Nursing in the Sydney Nursing School. She has academic qualifications in nursing, public health and epidemiology. Since completing her PhD in 2005, her…
Melkam Kebede was awarded her Ph.D. in 2007 from the University of Melbourne. During this period, she studied the metabolic consequences of pancreatic β-cell specific overexpression of fructose-…
My research interests lie in sixteenth and seventeenth-century English literature and culture, with a focus on Shakespearean drama. Specific interests include: constructions of the early modern…
People_. Dr Kevin Law. SharePostdoctoral Research Fellow in Stem Cell Biology. School of Medical Sciences. Faculty of Medicine and Health. Email. Research interests. Human induced pluripotent stem…
“My work is about developing innovative and accessible programs, underpinned by enabling strategies, so that as we age we can lead safe and active lives and stay connected with our community. Our…