Australharmony - Biographical register W (Will-Wiz)

After dinner many loyal Toasts were drank, and in the evening mirth and good humour floated round the board; and upon the last evening, Mr. ... another who may by right of long residence fairly claim the freedom of McIvor, Charley Williams, who has done

Australharmony - Biographical register S (Sk-Sp)

Joe Hatch has some chickens, but Joe rather choice is. In birds of good note, with their various voices:. ... There are many sawmillers in the Huon who have received practical help and good advice from him.

Why $1 a litre milk won’t take Australia from the mining to the dining boom

This fits with a big trend in food purchasing. Increasingly food buyers are demanding quality products of known provenance at good prices. ... Our expertise in precision agriculture and field robotics provides a good foundation but it can’t end there.

Australharmony - Biographical register H (Ha-He)

Herr Oelkers is a master of the Guitar, whose sweet tones, brought out also by Madame Kramer and Herr Blotny, who likewise play - had a very good effect, and mingled harmoniously ... This, however, may considered of minor importance, the real question

Festival of Urbanism address by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore

2 February 2016 -
Good cities need the armature of public works that gives them the liveability that in turn attracts the mobile global workforce. ... Places that are good for people to live are also good places to work and do business.

Australharmony - Biographical register S (Sq-Sz)

There was a moderately good attendance at the Town-hall on Saturday night, when the concert was given for the benefit of the widow and children of the late Herr Staab. ... Howitz and their family left Melbourne on Saturday, February 11, by the Sobraon,

We can't close the gap on health unless we talk about nutrition

The terrible irony is that Australia’s First Peoples lived for tens of thousands of years in good health before European settlement, supported by highly sophisticated and sustainable systems of food ... Let’s seize the opportunity to work together to

The team behind the team - Sydney Uni Sport

Introducing six of SUFC’s off-field players: Joe-Horn Smith, Michael Hodge, David Haigh, Chris Delooze, Kirsty Stevens and Laura Romeo. ... LAURA ROMEO. Your position Match Day Co-ordinator & 4th Grade Team Manager.

NSW Government Smart Sensing Network co-led by University of Sydney

10 December 2019 -
NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, Professor Mary O’Kane, said the establishment of the Network was a good example of the State Government using universities as problem solvers.

Australharmony - Biographical register E (Ea-Ell)

Eades, whose good nature and genuine bonhommie contributed much to the gaiety of the evening. ... It was there that I developed some ability in drawing and music, which stood me in good stead in after life.