2019 Food Governance Conference abstract booklet

As such, they are more aligned with therapeutic goods or recreational drugs such as alcohol than food. ... Biography:. Dr Laura Griffin is a Lecturer at La Trobe Law School and Managing Editor of the Australian Feminist Law Journal.

MUSE Issue 21, October 2018

She discovered an unrobbed chamber inside filled with the skeletal remains of at least 45 people and the funerary goods with which they were buried more than 3500 years ago.

scnews: "VC on financial position" by Paul Szabo

Supposing that the funds being deducted, were given away or spent on some good cause (say given away to charity, as approved by senate). ... squeezer. Being a good boy, he went to bed with no lollies but dreaming about a brighter tomorrow.

Tech wars: US-China technology competition and what it means for Australia | United States Studies Centre

This means technologies in these categories are subject to US law, whether it is used by a US-based company or by “any company anywhere that is re-exporting American goods


Barcan, R. “Dirty Spaces II: Separation, Concealment and Shame in the Public Toilet”, in Harvey Molotch & Laura Noren (eds.) Toilet: Public Restrooms and the Politics of Sharing. ... of social life, the definition of common good, and the cultural

MASS - Program

The Gospel-Sermon (IX) starts with series of glosses on the Creation narrative: the affirming cries ‘And it was goddam good’ from the people are reminiscent of Bernstein’s own ‘Officer

Page 1 22nd Bien nial C onfer ence of ...

Anindita BanerjeeIndonesianness in the Daily Lives of Diasporic Indonesian Women Mina ElfiraWaiting for Freedom: Perspectives of Timorese Migrants in England on Development and a Good Life Claire Millar Emotions and Affect

Australia and the emerging nuclear order in Northeast Asia | United States Studies Centre

Dr Christopher J. Watterson evaluates the future of the Northeast Asian nuclear order and its implications for Australia.

Building a more equitable future of work for women in NSW: Opportunities for government action

The gendered division of labour and lack of good quality flexible jobs further drive stratification. ... offer good quality flexible work arrangements is another driver of women’s dominance in insecure work.42.