Results that match 1 of 2 words

Current students_

Return: completing your overseas study

Some host universities require students to request their transcript be sent to them – so it’s a good idea to check the transcript processes of your host university before you leave.

Streets of green

12 August 2021 -
When Romilly Madew wrote a paper about green buildings making good business sense, it changed the whole industry.

First impressions matter: forming trust in financial advisers

22 October 2019 -
Trust in advisers is easily manipulated. Many people do not know the difference between good and bad financial advice and are unaware of techniques advisers use to manipulate critical decisions, a ... The cross-university research project involved

Few doctors prescribe medical cannabis for chemo-induced nausea

21 March 2019 -
Few doctors are prescribing medical cannabis to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy because good evidence is lacking, say experts in today's Medical Journal of Australia. ... Learn more. Medicinal cannabis and nausea: the wait for good

Quantum ethics project awarded DFAT grant

21 April 2021 -
Professor James Der Derian, director of Centre for International Security Studies. Over the next two years, Quantum Meta-Ethics will initiate conversations about what constitutes ethical or unethical behaviour, good or

Exploring good governance in multilingual societies

16 October 2019 -
Exploring good governance in multilingual societies. 25 July 2018. Meet our Postdoctoral Fellow Alexandra Grey. ... new project on ‘Good Governance in Multilingual Urban Communities’.

Clinical trials - Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

CBD exhibits a good overall safety and tolerability profile and has a low potential for abuse.

You’re a Liberal and You Don’t Even Know It

11 July 2024 -
In Liberalism as a Way of Life, he argues that liberalism informs our moral, psychological, and aesthetic outlooks, and can be the basis for a good, fun, and rewarding way of ... but rather the personal: the good stuff that you can get and experience in