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Read our strategy /content/dam/icons/approved-icons/pen-write-paper--streamline-edited.svg. Explore our work. Latest news. Contact us.

Social media and your job search - Careers Centre

Are you ready to be Googled by a prospective employer? Learn how to harness social media to aid your job search, research career options and make connections.

Personalised mental health care and support for young people through tech

Child and adolescent psychiatrist DrĀ Laura Ospina-Pinillos sees a new way ahead for mental health care through the development of a unique platform that aims to change traditional access to ... Dr Laura Ospina-Pinillos.

Scholarship supports Indigenous language

19 May 2023 -
Scholarship supports education and teaching of Indigenous language. 20 May 2020. Keeping Indigenous languages alive. In life and death moments, clarity and purpose can be found. Kelli Owen's moment showed her that she wanted to help Aboriginal kids

Student news

Get the latest news for future and current students at the University of Sydney. Read more here.

Grants and achievements

The work of our legal researchers is recognised and supported by the award of prizes and grants. Our research expertise allows us to establish international collaborations to tackle global legal issues. Explore our grants and achievements.

Vale Dr Catherine Hamlin AC

1 April 2020 -
Following the recent passing of Dr Catherine Hamlin AC, the University of Sydney pays tribute to her lifetime commitment to help the women of Ethiopia. Read more about her extraordinary life.

School of Economics

Understanding and shaping the broad framework of our society. Learn more about the School of Economics.