Test Test, Author at Sydney Uni Sport - Page 163 of 430

FEATURE STORY. Towell selected in Under 17 Australian Netball squad. CSNA/Sydney Uni Netball representative Laura Towell has been selected in the Australian under 17 squad after attending the National Netball

The sex myth buster

1 March 2016 -
My friends and I had just discovered the Internet and we would log onto the library computers at lunchtime and we'd read these blogs – usually they were silly musings on ... many more of the world's most-read publications.

Australharmony - Biographical register C (Ca-Cez)

Among the passengers by the John L. Stephens, were a complete galaxy of theatrical talent, consisting of Kate Hayes, Laura Keene, the Misses Denin, the Batemans and Mrs. ... ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist, in Australia, from September 1854);

Battery storage warranties leave consumers exposed: report

16 January 2020 -
The majority of residential solar batteries being sold in Australia have warranties that breach consumer law, according to a new PIAC report by Dr Penelope Crossley of the University of Sydney.

Test Test, Author at Sydney Uni Sport - Page 36 of 430

FEATURE STORY. Community is core for the Flames. Celebrating 15 years of the Flames at Sydney University this year prompted Laura Hanlon to discover that connection to community has been central ... Roar editor, Laura Hanlon, caught up with St Paul’s

Students in goalathon at Trumper Park - Sydney Uni Sport

Morgan 2, Joshua Cole, Samuel Gilfedder, Harry Morrison, Tom Ayton) defeated UTS Bats 11.15: 81 (Edward Thwaites 3, Daniel Crouch 2, David Smith 2, Nick Read 2, Rawson Kirkhope, Frederick ... UTS Bats: Zachary Thorneycroft, Ciaran Johnston, Michael Izhik,

Accessing pancreatic cancer surgery depends on where you live

10 December 2019 -
Accessing pancreatic cancer surgery in New South Wales depends on where you live, a new study reveals. Read more here.

Australharmony - Biographical register S (Sq-Sz)

There were readings by Miss Aitken, and you know - or if you do not know you ought to know - how she can read; there were pleasant songs pleasantly sung by Miss ... John's Church, where the Rev. S. G. Fielding read a portion of the solemn burial service