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Creating White Australia

CreatingWhite Australia. Edited by Jane Careyand Claire McLisky. Contents. Title Page iiiContributors viIntroduction. Creating White Australia: new perspectives on race, whiteness andhistoryJane Carey & Claire McLisky ix. Part 1: Global framings:

An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement: The Hyde Park Barracks, 1848–1886

Specialist artefact advice came from various in-dividuals, including Jerry Bell, Richard Cosgrove, Kris Courtney, Gary Crockett,Ian Evans, Jillian Garvey, Denis Gojak, Susan Lawrence and Linda Young.

Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons

LINDA LAVARCH MP 57Why Governments and Public Institutions Need to Understand Open. ... I am particularly indebted to JusticeSackville, former Qld Attorney General Linda Lavarch, Richard Neville, BarryConyngham, Tom Cochrane, Stuart Cunningham, Michael

Customary Marine Tenure in Australia

Customary marinetenure in Australia. Edited by Nicolas Peterson and BruceRigsby. Contents. Title Page iiiList of Figures viNote to the 2014 edition. Peter White viiiPreface. Nicolas Peterson and Bruce Rigsby ix. 1. IntroductionNicolas Peterson and

Archaeology of the Chinese fishing industry in colonial Victoria

to help in thelaboratory) go to Jacqui Tumney, Tierney Rose, Paul Freestone, Eleanor Lan-caster, Asher Ford, Allison Frost, Neil Dudley, Linda Pellin, Heather Bice, JessReid, Therese Hammond, Tyson White, Ruth

Contemporary Australian Literature

is more on Tim Winton in my essay in Tim Winton: Critical Essays,edited by Lyn McCredden and Nathanael O’Reilly (University of Western Australia Press,2014). ... I really ap-preciate the dedication and professionalism of Sydney University Press,

For the sake of a song Wangga songmen and ...

Published 2013 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESS. Allan Marett, Linda Barwick and Lysbeth Ford 2013. ... Our friend and colleague Dr Payi Linda Ford has provided valuable feedback on our manuscript at various stages.

Global social work

One of the models that comes close to this ideais the integrated practice model (Keen & O’Donoghue 2005), which suggests that the prac-titioner is in a relationship with self, and ... In M. Nash, R. Munford & K. O’Donoghue (eds), Social work theories