
Energy, resources and the environment - Faculty of Engineering

Discover how we're designing the renewable energy and waste transformation technologies to drive us towards a clean and sustainable future.

26 books you should read this summer

22 December 2021 -
26 books you should read this summer. 20 December 2021. University experts recommend their top books. ... What will you be reading this summer break? Our experts share their favourite reads from 2021.

Are we ready to rise up against racism in Australia?

11 June 2019 -
Political philosopher Tim Soutphommasane and journalist Osman Faruqi had a timely conversation about hate and race politics in Australia, to mark the UN International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Why your HSC results don't define you

27 September 2023 -
Before we begin – this isn't another well-intentioned yet unhelpful advice column for year 12 students about to receive their HSC marks. ... I didn't receive a mark that I felt really reflected my full abilities, so I had something to prove.

Sydney Games and Play Lab - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Project Team: Conor Spence (PhD Candidate), Dr Chris Chesher (Supervisor), Dr Mark  Johnson (Supervisor). ... Project Team: Tianyi Zhangshao (MRES Candidate), Dr Marcus Carter (Supervisor), Dr Mark  Johnson (Supervisor).

October - Faculty of Medicine and Health

14 July 2020 -
The latest news research and education news from the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Award categories

have achieved a minimum credit average (65-74 mark range) during their award course at the University (any qualifications with pass/fail criteria excepted). ... degree and achieved a minimum credit average (65-74 mark range) during their award course.