Smoke Signals

Smoke SignalsSmokeSignals. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESSAlso by Simon Chapman. Over our dead bodies: Port Arthur and Australia’s fight for guncontrol. Let sleeping dogs lie? What men should know before gettingtested for prostate cancer. Removing the

Markets, Rights and Power in Australian Social Policy

In that sense, the bookextends earlier work by Australian researchers (Carney & Ramia 2002;Considine 2001; Healy 1998; King & Meagher 2009; Muetzelfeldt &Briskman 2003; Pusey 1991; Rees et al.

Legal Framework for e-Research: Realising the Potential

Professor Mark Perry (UWO), Dr Amanda McBratney andMalcolm McBratney (McCullough Robertson Lawyers), James Casey (UIDP),Adam Liberman (CSIRO), Andrew Hayne (OPC), David Ruschena (Health Le-gal), Professor Bernard Pailthorpe (UQ), Philip

Water Wind Art and Debate: How environmental concerns impact on disciplinary research

Water Wind Art andDebate. How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research. Edited by Gavin Birch. Contents. Foreword v. Part 1 Legal and political issues 11 A slow burn: the emergence of climate change law in Australia 32 Global warming

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From Australia's energy transition, to climate disaster response, to imagining sustainable futures, we bring together thought leaders from across the University and beyond to tackle the greatest challenges of our time.
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Weighted Average Mark (WAM)

If you fail a unit, you’ll need to include both the marks for any failed attempts, as well the mark if you later pass the unit. ... When applying for programs at other institutions, the higher CWAM/WAM mark should be accepted.
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Guide to grades

Your average marks (WAM, AAM, SAM and others). There are different types of average marks used at the University, including Weighted Average Mark (WAM), Annual Average Mark (AAM) and Semester Average ... WD. Withdrawn. No mark. When you discontinue a

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Meet our leadership team, from Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson and Vice Chancellor Professor Mark Scott AO to the faculty deans and principal officers.

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Government & politics. News and analysis of domestic and international politics and government.