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NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Associate Director, Trials Development. Arlen is an accomplished clinical trialist who has made significant contributions to the design, development, and execution of large-scale research initiatives in the industry.

Australians shun Trump but back alliance as China looms | United States Studies Centre

Source: Getty. In the news by. While Australians by in large don't care for Donald Trump, their fear of China is trumping negative views of the US alliance.

American democracy in peril: The US Senate's crucial role | United States Studies Centre

What do the US midterms mean for Australia? To discuss these issues, the United States Studies Centre hosted a webinar featuring Ira Shapiro and Bill Kristol, editor-at-large of The

It's a death star, but that's life - Science - Specials -

IT LOOKS like a catherine wheel in the sky, but its beauty may belie a lethal venom. - Sydney Morning Herald Online

Origins 1: Links

Lecture 1: The origins of the Universe. Further reading. For astronomical images, you can't do better than the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" website,. Not only does this have a fabulous archive of the most amazing pictures (and a new one every day),

Presentation title Presentation sub-title

We use several beams of radiation and target the tumour with a large dose. ... If the dose is sufficiently large, you can destroy all the cancer cells in the tumour – this is called curative, as in the aim is to kill the cancer and try

CRF advice flyer

Because of the large amount of next- generation genome sequence data generated in this project it will require both detailed analysis using CLC Genomics workbench and considerable computational power as provided

Harris vs Trump: How the US can survive bitter polarisation | United States Studies Centre

Candidates from smaller clans or those without a large ‘core’ vote often campaigned outside their home base area for other voters’ second preferences.

What is the AUKUS partnership? | United States Studies Centre

Kingdom and the United States are working on developing large unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) to operate in tandem with manned platforms on intelligence gathering and reconnaissance missions. ... But they are likely to fall on deaf ears in large