Results that match 1 of 2 words

Ms Margaret Hannah Olley AO

She has a large number of portraits to her credit, including three or four major ones of Margaret Olley.

Only 16 per cent of American TikTok users support a ban  | United States Studies Centre

But as its popularity has grown, so have concerns around the large-scale collection of personal data that could potentially be shared with the Chinese Government.

Emeritus Professor William Fraser Connell OBE

In the early 1950s he launched the first large-scale Australian study of adolescence and youth culture - Growing Up in an Australian City.

Further probability theory

For example, if a fair coin is tossed, it is observed that as the experiment is carried outfor a very large number of trials, the relative frequency of ‘heads’ is approximately

South Korean power in a multipolar Indo-Pacific | United States Studies Centre

Despite its relative absence from recent Australian strategic documents, South Korea is as important, if not more so, to Australia’s interests as many of the other large Indo-Pacific states ... rivals. This would be a South Korea that leads the world

SIfA Seminars - Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA)

12pm (LG17). Suzie Ramsay. Status of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope and its Instrumentation. ... ANU & Macquarie. MAVIS: A new MCAO-Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope.

Publication alert | New report calls for urgent boost to US-Australia missile production | United States Studies Centre

Australia should focus its co-production of PGMs on weapons that have a large international market to maintain viable production lines; while the United States should allow Canberra to export the

Logarithmic functions and the log laws

The function y = log10 x gets as large as we like as x gets large. ... Thegraph does not stay below a certain height as x gets large (it does not have a horizontalasymptote).