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Page 1 22 nd B iennia l Con feren ...

Page. 1. 22. nd B. iennia. l Con. feren. ce of. the A. sian S. tudies. Ass. ociat. ion of. Aus. tralia. Abstr. acts. Area. Stu. dies. and. Bey. ond. – Ab. stra. cts. 22nd. Bie. nnia. l Con. fere. nce. of th. e As. ian. Stud. ies. Asso. ciat. ion.

J. Math. Biol.DOI 10.1007/s00285-015-0864-5 Mathematical Biology Bifurcation and dynamics ...

J. Math. Biol.DOI 10.1007/s00285-015-0864-5 Mathematical Biology. Bifurcation and dynamics in a mathematical modelof early atherosclerosisHow acute inflammation drives lesion development. Alexander D. Chalmers Anna Cohen Christina A. Bursill Mary R.

University of Sydney Archives

Check out the results of my search at University of Sydney Archives

Hidden Fore-edge Paintings

Other highlights from the collection are the three-volume set of Samuel Butler’s Hudibras (RB4719.69), embellished with streetscapes of London and Izaak Walton’s Complete Angler (RB 513.5

Sex First Name Surname Blue Sport Year M Neville ...

M Jack Walton (deceased 1989) Boxing 1936. M Frank Walton(deceased 2007) Boxing 1936.