
Pitfalls for private financing of public projects

22 February 2024 -
By contrast, recent published project summaries in Australia, for example, Melbourne Metro PPP, indeed quantify the future financial obligations. ... Melbourne Metro Rail Authority/Victoria State Government, Metro Tunnel Project Summary, February 2018.

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FEATURE STORY. Students miss out on third Metro I title. Sydney University Women’s Hockey Club missed out on a third successive Metro I title when they were defeated one-nil ... FEATURE STORY. Metro 1s chase third title. Sydney University’s Metro 1

Scoreboard - Sydney Uni Sport

Metro Two: Sydney University 3 defeated Briars 1 at Olympic Pitch 1 on Saturday. ... Metro Four: Sydney University 4 defeated St George 0 at Cintra Park on Saturday.

Sydney takes top honours in Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

11 November 2021 -
The University of Sydney has been awarded an unprecedented three Prime Minister's Prizes for Science in 2021, with top awards going to Professor Eddie Holmes for his work on COVID-19 and Professor Tony Weiss for his work on repairing human tissue

Applying best practice in public transport planning to an urban ferry system

31 October 2018 -
Ideally, this is achieved by arranging lines in a grid pattern with high frequency services, which is how metro systems operate in London, New York, Paris and Tokyo.

Test Test, Author at Sydney Uni Sport - Page 278 of 430

FEATURE STORY. Women win first Metro title. Sydney University’s First Grade women’s hockey team created history last week by becoming the club’s first team to win a Sydney ... Women’s Hockey League Metro I grand final.

Debunking the myths around optically-guided bus (trackless trams)

7 July 2021 -
Rubber-tyred metro systems, for instance, offer better traction and acceleration (especially at grade) on many urban rail systems. ... The cost of deployment is said to be USD 7-15 million per kilometre, as compared with USD 20-30 million for light rail

What is the value of additional trips?

3 June 2022 -
Various modelling analyses we have undertaken over the past decade, drawing on data from the 700+ respondents from Metro Melbourne or from the 200+ respondents from the regional Victoria survey, have

Corridor protection for infrastructure and transport

31 October 2018 -
This required a strata title through various building basements. Given that Metro Sydney has now adopted an entirely different alignment through the CBD, this seemingly sensible – at the time - planning precaution ... Those of us around at the time

Scoreboard - Sydney Uni Sport

Lauren King 15, Kathleen Scheer 15)) at Logan Metro on Friday night.