
Overcoming common barriers to exercise

24 April 2024 -
Both physical activity and proper nutrition are integral aspects of a comprehensive approach to overall health.

Prizes and honour roll

Browse the University of Sydney's prizes and honours roll to discover students of distinction who have received recognition for their scholarship.
Current students_

Change streams

Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) and Bachelor of Laws. Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics. ... Bachelor of Science (Advanced) and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics. Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) and Master of

Changes to mathematics prerequisites

Bachelor of Science and Master of Mathematical Sciences. Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics.

CPC Summer Research Scholarships: Q&A with Zoe Zhang

28 August 2024 -
Yes, these topics were highly relevant to my studies in nutrition and dietetics, aligning well with my degree and areas of interest. ... I’m particularly interested in how nutrition and dietetic interventions can assist in the treatment and management

Len Storlien Award 2023

19 December 2023 -
He was particularly recognised for his research investigating metabolic function and nutrition.

How to become a dietitian

23 July 2024 -
You can apply for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics as a postgraduate student. ... This course is a two-year full-time only degree that is a gateway to a dietetics career, offering hands-on nutrition training and a pathway to leading-edge dietetic
Faculties and schools_

The Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Placements. We offer placements to students completing courses in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, speech pathology, dietetics and nutrition, orthoptics, podiatry, and medical imaging, from

Commonwealth supported places (CSPs)

A Commonwealth supported place (CSP) is a place at university where your course fees are partially subsidised by the Australian government. See what University of Sydney CSPs are available.