Yim Family Foundation PhD Top Up Scholarship - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct 2023 (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting

The Hellenic Club Postgraduate Research Studentship in Classical Archaeology - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the

John Anthony Gilbert (Humanities) Research Grant - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct 2023 (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting

Polymnia and Aimilia Kallinikos Scholarship - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct 2023 (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting

The Curtin PhD Scholarship for Clinical Research - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the

The Julian Small Research Scholarship in Labour Law - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct 2023 (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting

CUSP - Course & Unit of Study Portal

Policies & Procedures:. IMPORTANT: School policy relating to Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. ... In assessing a piece of submitted work, the School of IT may reproduce it entirely, may provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or to an

Carlyle Greenwell Postgraduate Scholarship - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the

Dame Leonie Kramer Postgraduate Research Scholarship - Scholarships

Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the