Mrs Barbara Selby and the Hon Mr Justice David Mayer Selby after the conferring of their awards, (photo reproduced with the kind permission of Mrs Alison Rosenberg).
16 benson farb, chris hruska, and anne thomasPROBLEMS ON AUTOMORPHISM GROUPSOF NONPOSITIVELY CURVED POLYHEDRALCOMPLEXES AND THEIR LATTICES. to bob zimmer on his 60th birthday. Contents. 1 Introduction 516. 2 Some Background 518. 2.1 Polyhedral
SURFACE QUOTIENTS OF HYPERBOLIC BUILDINGS. DAVID FUTER AND ANNE THOMAS. Abstract. Let Ip,v be Bourdon’s building, the unique simply-connected 2–complex such that all 2–cellsare regular right-angled hyperbolic p–gons and the link at each