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Southeast Asia Emerging Scholars Conference - Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Friday June 17, 2022
In accordance with current COVID-19 guidelines, all participants will also be strongly encouraged to wear face masks in all indoor settings (unless able to show proof of medical exemption, or ... Email any queries about the conference toApplications are

The University of Sydney Policy Register

Any. Guidelines. Legislation. Local Provisions. Policies. Procedures. Rules. Documents for Keyword: Academic honesty.

Congratulations to our PREMISE PhD graduates!

16 August 2023 -
Dr Lucy Grummitt . Thesis title: Understanding and addressing childhood adversity to prevent substance use and mental disorders: Does one size fit all? ... Dr Samantha Lynch. Thesis title: Advancing our understanding of general psychopathology among

Fostering lifelong connections for children in permanent care

6 June 2024 -
Bachelor's degree with first- or second-class honours in an appropriate area of study that includes a research thesis based on primary data not literature review. ... Master's degree by research in an appropriate area of study that includes a research

BMC Symposium 2020 - Brain and Mind Centre

11 October 2022 -
Please see the attached poster guidelines for more information on submissions, eligibility and poster specifications. ... He performed his doctoral thesis work at the Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen with Prof.

Sydney Games and Play Lab - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Through the use of innovative studies of children, parents, game developers, and the policy environment, this project will create significant benefit via guidelines and recommendations for parents seeking to negotiate ... This PhD thesis aims to develop

Honours in medical sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Health

2. After you have confirmed support from an Honours supervisor, formally register for your Honours project, and nominate your preferred SOMS4101 modules by submitting an Expression of Interest through our Honours ... Teaching will include 3-hour

A legacy paying forward in meaningful ways

23 June 2022 -
the help of the scholarship funds, Natalie is now concentrating on bringing all of her research together and submitting her thesis.
Current students_

What happens next

Below are some guidelines to what the relationship between mentor and mentee can bring. ... maintaining contact with the school officer throughout the program. completing journal entries after each meeting and submitting two entries by the outlined

Teacher Education Personal Statement - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership responded to the Federal Government's request to create selection guidelines for all universities to assess both the academic and non-academic qualities ... Please refer to UAC’s guidelines