Legal Framework for e-Research: Realising the Potential

LEGAL FRAMEWORKFOR e-RESEARCH:. REALISING THEPOTENTIAL. EDITED BYBRIAN FITZGERALD. BA (Griff), LLB (Hons) (QUT), BCL (Oxon), LLM (Harv), PhD(Griff) Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Innovation. (QUT Faculty of Law), Project Leader of the

Transforming a University: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice

He was awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Science for his thesis ofpublished works, entitled Investigations into the health and disease of Australianwildlife, with particular reference to the koala, in 2003.

Water Wind Art and Debate: How environmental concerns impact on disciplinary research

Water Wind Art andDebate. How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research. Edited by Gavin Birch. Contents. Foreword v. Part 1 Legal and political issues 11 A slow burn: the emergence of climate change law in Australia 32 Global warming

Copyright Future Copyright Freedom: Marking the 40 Year Anniversary of the Commencement of Australia’s Copyright Act 1968

There was wisdom at that time in proceeding along the path earlier chartedby “soft law”, in the form of the OECD Guidelines. ... 7 Australian Law Reform Commission, Human Tissue Transplants, (ALRC 7, 1977).8 Australian Law Reform Commission, Privacy

Doctor of Philosophy (Law)

full research proposal (approximately 10 pages) which outlines:. - aims of the proposed research thesis. - ... write a thesis of a maximum 80,000 words embodying the results of the research.

Master of Laws (Research)

full research proposal (approximately 10 pages) which outlines:. - aims of the proposed research thesis. - ... and a thesis in the approved subject with an upper limit of 50,000 words.

Master of Criminology (Research)

full research proposal (approximately 10 pages) which outlines:. - aims of the proposed research thesis. - ... c) satisfy the examiners that the thesis is a substantial contribution to the subject concerned.

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Alumni reunions

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Nomination guidelines

Please refer to the award categories page to determine the most relevant award for your nominee and review the information below prior to submitting your nomination. ... The online nomination forms can be saved. Nominators may edit their entry after
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Your thesis in the University Library

Thesis submission. Your thesis in the University Library. Your thesis in the University Library. ... If you have questions about what documentation to supply with your final thesis, please contact yourRelated links.