Results that match 2 of 3 words

Research opportunities_

English for Academic Purposes

English for research publication purposes. Thesis and dissertation writing. Keywords: Discourse analysis, academic writing, English for research publication purposes, TESOL. ... 3. If you would like general advice in your subject area before submitting

Associate Professor Eugen Molodysky

A/Professor Eugen Molodysky is a practising physician, teacher and researcher specialising in translational research and applying it to preventive and primary health care medicine. A/Professor…

Bimbi Gray

Thesis work. Thesis title: Medical and allied health care practitioner concordance with evidence for the management of Osteoarthritis an investigation into Quality Indicators and Knowledge Translation tools to inform an e ... 2023). Recommendations for

Dr Sujita Narayan

Dr Sujita Narayan is an Academic Fellow at the Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. She is an early career researcher, with over 10 years’ experience…

Professor Susan Heward-Belle

Sue Heward-Belle is a Professor at the University of Sydney and a recognised leader in domestic and family violence research. Sue has almost 30 years experience in the domestic violence and child…

Hang Yue Adrian Siu

Thesis work. Thesis title: What constitutes appropriate follow up after pelvic exenteration for advanced primary rectal cancer or locally recurrent rectal cancer? ... While numerous national and international guidelines exist on optimal follow-up

Professor Brian Paltridge

Professor Paltridge has taught English as a second language in Australia, New Zealand, and Italy. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, and written books and book chapters for…

Dr Xinyue Zhang

Dr. Xinyue Zhang is a lecturer in the School of Project Management at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on infrastructure management, project organizing, project delivery, and systems…
Research opportunities_

Middle English literature

I welcome enquires from potential postgraduate students who are interested in pursuing thesis work in any aspect of Middle English literature, including my special interest areas of women and identity formation ... 3. If you would like general advice in

Professor John Thompson

John Thompson has been Professor of Melanoma and Surgical Oncology at the University of Sydney since 1999. He was Executive Director of Melanoma Institute Australia (formerly the Sydney Melanoma…