Results that match 2 of 3 words

Unit of study_

Sociology Honours Thesis 1

Sociology Honours Thesis 1 - SCLG4103. Year - 2023. This unit provides students the opportunity to begin developing their own research project working closely with their supervisors and engaging in activities that will ... Activities may include drafting

Associate Professor Alexander Van Akkooi

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander C.J. van Akkooi, MD, PhD, FRACS was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. He has both American and Dutch nationalities. He studied medicine at the Erasmus University…

Associate Professor Kerry Peek

A/Prof Kerry Peek is a research and teaching academic within the discipline of physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. Kerry graduated with an Honours degree in Physiotherapy from the University…

Dr Fabian Held

As Senior Interdisciplinary Lecturer in the Portfolio of the Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Education, Enterprise and Engagement) Dr Held works at the intersection of disciplines to tackle complex problems. …

Daniel Winter

Thesis work. Thesis title: Availability and accessibility of opioid agonist treatment pharmacotherapies in New South Wales Australia. ... What are people saying on social networking sites about the Australian alcohol consumption guidelines?

Professor Emeritus Jill Trewhella

Jill Trewhella is an Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at the University of Utah. Jill earned her BSc and MSc degrees in…

Bimbi Gray

Thesis work. Thesis title: Medical and allied health care practitioner concordance with evidence for the management of Osteoarthritis an investigation into Quality Indicators and Knowledge Translation tools to inform an e ... 2023). Recommendations for

Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska-Manos

Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska, a medical doctor and PhD graduate (Johns Hopkins University), is an Epidemiologist with the Western Sydney Sexual Health, Sydney Medical School – Westmead. She is …

Hang Yue Adrian Siu

Thesis work. Thesis title: What constitutes appropriate follow up after pelvic exenteration for advanced primary rectal cancer or locally recurrent rectal cancer? ... While numerous national and international guidelines exist on optimal follow-up

Dr Sujita Narayan

Dr Sujita Narayan is an Academic Fellow at the Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. She is an early career researcher, with over 10 years’ experience…