Results that match 1 of 2 words


Publications - Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

13 May 2024 -
Grimison P, Mersiades A, Kirby A, Lintzeris N, Morton R, Haber P, Haber P, Olver I, Walsh A, Mcgregor I, Cheung Y, Tognela A, Hahn C, Briscoe K, Aghmesheh M, Fox ... Lintzeris N, Mills L, Dunlop A, Copeland J, McGregor I, Bruno R, Kirby A, Montebello M,

COVID 19 research funding boosts Sydney led projects

1 May 2020 -
Professor Kristine Macartney of the University of Sydney and National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) will co-lead a sero-surveillance project with Professor John Kaldor of the Kirby

Expert alliance to support improved immunisation in Indo Pacific

2 September 2020 -
Institute of Medical Research, Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales and Telethon Kids Institute and others.

Integrative Ecology Lab - Faculty of Science

Daniel Jin, PhD candidate. Manuel Eduardo Lequerica Tamara, PhD Candidate. Ryan Leonard, PhD candidate (under examination).

Preventing Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

19 May 2023 -
30 Years On: Royal Commission into aboriginal Deaths in Custody Recommendations Remain Unimplemented was co-authored by Megan Williams, Thalia Anthony, Kirrily Jordan, Tamara Walsh and Francis Markham.

Publications - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Journal of Medical Humanities, 43, 455-466. Kirby, E., Kenny, K., Broom, A. ... Sociology, 54(5), 1004-1021. Broom, A., & Kenny, K., Kirby, E., George, N. &

hofer Lab - Faculty of Science

PhD students:. Tamara Suprunenko. Barney Viengkhou. Pattama Songkhunawej. Emina Hayashida. Honours students:.

Taking a worldview

22 June 2023 -
Michael Kirby (BA ’59, LLB ’62, BEc ’66, LLM ’67), then a Justice of the High Court of Australia. ... I didn’t think that I would come back to Australia. However, I was always reminded of something Michael Kirby said to me, that I should find a

Physics Foundation

Mr James R Kirby. Mr James Read. Mr Michael Winternitz. Mr Paul Chadwick. ... Kirby Foundation. The Nell and Hermon Slade Trust. Contact us. Whether you’re a prospective student, industry contact or academic, find out how to best connect with us or