10 Churches, above n 7, 120. 11 Ibid; see also Andrew Lynch, Tamara Tulich and Rebecca Welsh, ‘Secrecy and Control Orders: The Role and Vulnerability of Constitutional Values in the United ... 51 Ibid xiv. 52 Ibid (original emphasis). 53 Ibid [239]. 54
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Justice Kirby demonstrated the importance of compassion, scholarship and courage to confront issues of global importance. ... Associate Professor Belinda Bennett delivered an inspiring response to Justice Kirby’s Address.
The Hon Justice Mary Genevieve Gaudron, Deputy Chancellor Daphne Kok and Justice Michael Kirby, photo, Tracey Schramm, 'The University of Sydney News', University of Sydney Archives.
Sullivan, L Pendlebury, S Kirby, A Rodger, A Joseph, D Campbell, I Stockler, MR. ... Sullivan, L Pendlebury, S Kirby, A Rodger, A Joseph, D Campbell, I Stockler, M.