After working as an electrical engineer for many years I took an interest in the medical physics field.
Before starting at the Universty of Sydney, I began talking to people who were already working in the industry. I wanted to understand what the role of a medical physicist was, what they do day-to-day, and how I could get to where they are.
It was recommended to me that a Master of Medical Physics degree from the University of Sydney would be highly regarded when looking for job opportunities in a competitive market.
The lecturers were highly qualified in their fields and have a history of, or are currently practicing professionals.
I was accepted into the course and found it to be a very practically-based education in the field of medical physics.
The lecturers are highly qualified in their fields and have a history of, or are currently practicing professionals. This provided a real world introduction into any of the streams of medical physics.
Seeing how the classroom related to the real world and implementing some of our lessons in working hospitals was the part of my education that I have enjoyed most. And after I completing my course in 2019, I was fortunate enough to obtain a start in the industry as a Medical Physics Registrar.