

28 September 2018

How we made nutrition our business

With a passion for all things food and science, Anna and Alex pursued postgraduate study to build a career in both. Now accredited practising dietitians, they share the journey that led them to run their own nutritional myth-busting business.
27 September 2018

NSW HSC no longer includes women’s contributions to physics

The new Higher School Certificate (HSC) physics syllabus for NSW will contain no mention of the contributions of female physicists to the field.
26 September 2018

Automated vehicles may encourage a new breed of distracted drivers

Few people pay close attention to the traffic situation unfolding around them when they’re travelling as a passenger in a car. And that could make partially automated vehicles, which are operating on our roads right now, problematic.
06 September 2018

Adventures in the virosphere

Viruses are everywhere – you are surrounded by them, yet we know remarkably little about them. Take an adventure into the virosphere with the Sydney Science Forum on Wednesday 12 September.
04 September 2018

Professor Thomas Maschmeyer wins RK Murphy Medal

Professor Thomas Maschmeyer, from the School of Chemistry, has won the 2018 RK Murphy Medal from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).