Missing or additional sites - The University of Sydney
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Learning in Canvas

Missing or additional sites

Missing or additional sites

Your unit of study websites will be available one week before session starts.

There are a few reasons your unit of study website may not appear.

  • Your unit of study does not have a website. You can ask your lecturer/tutor if this is the case.
  • Your unit of study coordinator may have requested the site be available later. Check this with your lecturer/tutor, contact details can be found in your unit of study outline.
  • If you change your enrolment, it can take up to 24 hours for this to be updated in Canvas. Your unit of study will automatically appear after this is updated.

Extra sites

Your faculty, school or department may create specialised sites available to students enrolled in the faculty, school or a particular degree. They are part of your enrolment and may be designed to help you with specific skills such as laboratory workplace health and safety.

eCommunity sites

You may be enrolled in an online eCommunity when you take part in activities that are not related to just one unit of study. They typically provide a space for extracurricular activities, such as clubs and societies.

Once you are logged into Canvas, your eCommunity sites will appear in your Dashboard and also under the left hand Courses Menu.

To join an eCommunity, you may be able to self-enrol. If not, the administrator will need to add you to the site.

Last updated: 30 September 2024

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