Certified copies of original documents - The University of Sydney
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Certified copies of original documents

To complete certain processes at the University you may be required to provide certified copies of important documents.

A certified copy of an original document is one that that has been verified as a true copy by an authorised person.

Who can certify documents

An authorised certifier may be a Justice of the Peace (the University has a number of JPs on campus who are available by appointment) or someone from the following occupations:

  • an accountant (member of a recognised professional accounting body or a Registered Tax Agent)
  • a judge, barrister, solicitor or patent attorney
  • a Commissioner for Affidavits, Declarations or Oaths
  • a bail justice or sheriff
  • a police officer
  • a postal manager
  • a principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school
  • a medical practitioner
  • a minister of religion.

Other authorising officers are:

  • an officer at a tertiary admissions centre: UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC, TISC;
  • staff members of the University of Sydney
  • Admissions Officer or Student Services Office at any Australian university or TAFE college
  • the official records department of the institution that originally issued the document(s).

Certifiers outside Australia

If you’re outside of Australia, the following the people can certify your documents:

  • an authorised officer of an Australia overseas diplomatic mission
  • staff members of the University of Sydney
  • an authorised officer of an Australian Education Centre
  • an authorised agent of the University approved by the University of Sydney International Office (a list is held by the International Office)
  • a school headmaster or other recognised examining authority
  • a Notary Public
  • authorised officer in accordance with local legislation/practice.

How to certify a document

The original document must be viewed by the certifier and they must personally copy the original document and verify it by completing the following:

  1. Use a stamp or write by hand on the copy: “This is a true copy of the original document sighted by me” on each page of the document
  2. Sign the statement on each page
  3. Write by hand the following details:
    • name and business address
    • contact telephone number
    • professional or occupational group (as listed above)
    • date verified.
  4. Put the official stamp or seal of the verifier's organisation on the copy, if the organisation has such a stamp
  5. If the certifying officer is a Justice of the Peace the certifying officer must list the registration number and Australian state/territory of registration.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 29 September 2022

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