Concurrent enrolment - The University of Sydney
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Concurrent enrolment

If you enrol in more than one award course, either at the University of Sydney or across institutions, this is called concurrent enrolment.

You can only enrol concurrently if you have approval from the relevant associate deans, or if it is an approved part of a combined or double degree.

When concurrently enrolled, your total study load across both degrees can't exceed a full-time study load. Find out more about your study load.

For more information on conditions and applying for concurrent enrolment, see section 66 of the Coursework Policy and additional faculty or school information below.

Before you apply

Before you apply, check your course requirements in your handbook to understand how concurrent enrolment may impact your studies.

If you’re an international student, seek advice about your eCoE and visa.

How to apply

You need to submit your application after your results have been released for the current semester, but before the start of the semester you want to be concurrently enrolled in. If you apply before results are released, your application will be rejected and you'll need to reapply.

The application process varies between faculties and schools. Read the additional information below to understand how to apply and to find the correct form to use.

If you have a query regarding Concurrent Enrolment, please contact ADP Education Support in the first instance.

If you’re currently undertaking honours, you’re not eligible to enrol concurrently in another award course.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

If you are a Combined Law student, you will have completed the requirements of your first degree (i.e. your status is a ’Potential graduand’ or have been ’Awarded’ your first degree) before you can proceed into the fourth and fifth years of the Bachelor of Laws.

  • If you are progressing into the fourth year of the Bachelor of Laws degree, you will need to submit a request through the course management form. Select ’Concurrent enrolment’ from the drop-down list and include in your request that you’d like to have your enrolment opened for the Bachelor of Laws. 
  • If you are taking a gap year to complete honours as part of your first degree, you will need to submit a request through the course management form. Select ’Concurrent enrolment’ from the drop-down and include in your request that you’d like to have your proceed in to the Bachelor of Laws, but suspend your studies while you undertake honours.

If you do not have a ’Potential graduand’ or ’Awarded’ status, but have less than 24 credit points remaining in your first degree, and have completed at least seven junior law units (i.e. LAWS1000 level units) including Legal Research (0 credit point), you may be eligible to concurrently enrol in both degrees.

The following conditions also apply for concurrent enrolment.

  • You are not permitted to enrol in more than 24 credit points over the two degrees.
  • You can only undertake core Law units, unless approval for other units has been granted by the Law Associate Dean. The approval needs to be in writing and attached with your application. Undertaking other units without permission will result in your concurrent enrolment being cancelled.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you will need to:

  • complete an Application for concurrent enrolment (pdf, 267KB) with a cover letter explaining why you haven’t completed your first degree on time
  • include confirmation from faculty services outlining your remaining units and credit points for your first degree and any relevant approvals that you can. To request a degree check use the course management form (select ’Request a degree check’ from the drop-down list).
  • upload your completed application form and supporting documents via the course management form (select ’concurrent enrolment’ from the drop-down list). 

If you are a Graduate Diploma or Masters law student and want to apply for concurrent enrolment, you will need to get approval from the Associate Dean of both degrees.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

If you’re enrolled in the Sydney Medical Program and want to concurrently enrol in studies outside the program, you need to discuss this with Associate Professor Stuart Lane before submitting your application.

For conditions and more information, see the Sydney Medical School Concurrent Enrolment Provisions.

Sydney School of Health Sciences

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

If you want to concurrently enrol in the Diploma of Languages, you need to get written permission from the Associate Dean.

For other degrees, you need to get written permission from the Associate Dean of both faculties or schools.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form and you will need to attach your written permission.

To apply for concurrent enrolment, you can submit a request through the course management form.

Student Centre



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Last updated: 05 July 2024

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