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Credit for previous study

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Tracking your application

You can view the status of your application, respond to your credit offer, cancel your request or view or attach additional supporting documents in Sydney Student (go to ‘My requests’).

If you can't see your request under 'My requests' you may not have submitted your application yet. Go back to your application to submit.

During the assessment process, we may contact you regarding your application. Make sure you check your email account regularly and respond to any requests to avoid delays or your application being cancelled.

Adding additional documents or units to your application

You can add any additional documents to your existing credit application in Sydney Student. Go to ‘My requests’ and then ‘View or attach documents’. If you cannot see this link, you will need to submit a request through the credit management form.

If you have forgotten to add units of study to your application please do not cancel your application or submit a new application. Depending on how far it has progressed we may be able to assess the additional units. You will need to submit a request, include the unit of study code and name and attach your course outlines (you do not need to attach course outlines for units completed at the University of Sydney).

Responding to a request for more information or documents

We may contact you by email regarding your application to request additional information or documents.

To respond to a request for more information or documents log in to Sydney Student. and go to ‘My requests’. Depending on what you need to provide you will see ‘Respond to information request’ and/or ‘Document upload required’. Selecting the link will show you the details of our request and instructions on how to respond. Once you have responded the links will disappear.

If you have received a request to provide further information or documents and you’re unable to complete this through Sydney Student, you will need to submit it using the credit management form.

Processing time

Applications generally take up to four weeks to be assessed, however, during busy periods it may take longer. Assessment time depends on the complexity of your application, the availability of academics and the volume of applications received. Please don’t resubmit or withdraw your application if the status doesn’t change during this time. If you’re unsure about your application, contact us.

New course applicants

If you applied for credit as part of your course application, we will assess your credit after a decision is made on your course application. Applications for the upcoming semester will be prioritised. If you receive an offer of admission and want to accept this and enrol before your credit is assessed, submit an enquiry. We will issue you a credit offer for any units of study that we can grant at that point in time. You can then apply for credit as a current student for any additional units of study.

Current students

If you applied as a current student, make sure you've selected your units of study by the last day to add and are attending classes in case your application is not finalised in time. As credit is not guaranteed until you have received an offer from the University, you need to enrol in units of study you can continue studying if your application is unsuccessful. If your credit application is completed after the last day to add, you can still withdraw from units without academic or financial penalty until the census date for your session.

In most cases if you submitted your application by the application deadline, it will be processed in time for the start of the semester.

Your outcome

If your application is successful, you’ll be notified of a credit offer to your University email or on your offer letter. The status of your application in Sydney Student (under ‘My requests’) will change to ‘Awaiting student response’. You will need to accept or decline the credit offered through Sydney Student by selecting ‘Respond to credit offer’. Make sure there is a tick next to any unit of study you want to accept credit for.

Your credit outcome will contain important information about how any credit offered contributes to your degree, why you may have not received credit for everything you applied for and directions about varying your enrolment if you accept your credit. Make sure you read your credit outcome before responding to a credit offer or submitting an appeal. Submit a request if you have any questions about your credit outcome.

You need to accept any offer of credit for it to contribute to your degree requirements and allow you to enrol in higher level units. Your offer of credit is made based on your current enrolment and major/minor/specialisation selections. If you do not accept your offer of credit and vary your enrolment, your credit offer may become invalid.

Your application may be declined if you have not provided the required supporting documents, it doesn’t meet policy or fit with the resolutions of your course, or your units are not equivalent to studies at the University of Sydney. In this case we’ll email you a credit outcome and provide the details of why your application was declined.

How credit counts towards your degree

The day after you’ve accepted your credit we’ll process it to your course, and it will appear on your student record. Your credit will then:

  • contribute to a specific part of your course requirements such as degree core, majors or electives
  • if awarded as specific credit, count as though you completed the unit and meet the pre-requisites for any relevant higher-level units
  • appear in the unit of study selection screen under ‘Your credits’ as well as in the relevant collections. For example if you have been granted 12 credit points of Table A electives, you’ll be able to see this in the Table A elective collection
  • appear on your transcript
  • remain on your record unless you request for it to be removed.

If you make changes to your course later (eg. you change your major or specialisation), credit may no longer contribute to your course requirements. In that case, you'll need to apply to remove credit.

Changing your enrolment

If you have been offered credit while you are currently enrolled, make sure you review your credit outcome for any directions on how to change your enrolment. You may be directed to withdraw from an elective unit or a prohibition unit you are enrolled in. It’s important you make any directed enrolment changes quickly, otherwise your credit offer may need to be varied.

If you experience any issues making these changes to your enrolment, you will need to submit a request through the credit management form and we can make changes on your behalf.


Make sure you review the credit outcome sent to your University student email account or on your offer letter before deciding whether to submit an appeal. Submit a request if you have any questions about your credit outcome.

If you disagree with the outcome of your application, you may be able to submit an appeal within 15 working days of your application outcome.

Removing credit

Once you have accepted an offer for credit, it can only be removed by requesting academic approval. If your request is approved, the credit will then be removed from your record. You will not be eligible to have that credit granted again except with the permission of the Associate Dean.

To request removal of credit, complete the Credit rescission request. You will need to provide a reason for your request.

Once you have submitted the form, we will seek academic approval on your behalf and email you of the outcome.

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Last updated: 05 March 2024

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