When to apply - The University of Sydney
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Credit for previous study

When to apply

Application deadlines

If you have not applied for credit as part of your course application, you need to submit your application by the deadlines for each semester.

Application deadlines:

  • Semester 1: Sunday 19 January 2025
  • Semester 2: Sunday 6 July 2025.

It is important you apply as early as possible. We prioritise applications submitted before the deadline, and in most cases these will be processed by the start of the semester.

If you apply after the deadline, your application may not be processed in time for credit to be granted for that semester.

You should not wait until the outcome of your credit application to enrol in units of study and attend class. If you are offered credit for any units of study, you can drop these units up until the census date for the semester, and enrol in alternative units up until the last day to add deadline.

Be aware that:

  • if you don't provide the required documents, your application will be rejected
  • if you apply after the census date your credit application will not be considered for the current semester
  • if you’re a current student applying for credit for a unit of study you’re currently enrolled in, you need to wait until you receive your results for the current semester before you apply. We can't assess credit applications where results have not been published.

UAC applicants

If you are a new student who has applied through UAC, you need to accept your offer before you can apply for credit. You will then follow the process for applying as a current student. When you apply for credit you will need to provide the required supporting documents and apply by the deadlines above.

Direct applicants

If you’re applying directly to the University (including internal course applications), you can apply for credit as part of applying for your course. If you receive an offer of admission, you will need to wait until your credit application has been processed before you can accept your offer and enrol.

Once your credit application is processed and you receive an offer of admission with credit, you will then have the opportunity to accept or reject the credit and enrol in your course.

Credit applications can take up to four weeks to be assessed, so if you would like to accept your offer and enrol sooner, submit an enquiry letting us know that you'd like enrol before receiving a credit outcome. We will issue you a credit offer for any units of study that we can grant at that point in time. You can then apply for credit as a current student for any additional units of study.

Allowable course transfers

You do not need to submit a credit application if you’re transferring courses and it’s an allowable course transfer, for example changing streams or upgrading from a graduate certificate to a master’s. If your transfer application is approved, an application for credit will be generated automatically. Once you accept the offer of credit in Sydney Student, this will be applied to your new course.

Study abroad and cross-institutional study

You need to have your exchange or cross-institutional units of study approved before we can assess your credit application. Submit an enquiry if you did not get pre-approval before you completed the units of study at another institution.

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Last updated: 16 October 2024

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