Cross-institutional study - The University of Sydney
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Cross-institutional study

During your studies, you may be able to complete a unit of study at another Australian institution and have it credited towards your degree. This is called outbound cross-institutional study.

In order to receive credit for this study, you will need apply to the University of Sydney before undertaking the unit.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and successfully complete the unit, you will be granted credit for that unit of study towards your degree at the University of Sydney. Credit will only be awarded if the cross-institutional study is approved before you start.

Non-University of Sydney students (inbound cross-institutional study): If you are enrolled as a student at another Australian institution, you can apply to study a subject or subjects at the University of Sydney. 


You may be eligible if:

  • there’s a unit of study relevant to your course that is not taught at the University of Sydney but is available at another institution, and it’s necessary for the completion or progression of your degree
  • you are unable, for good reason, to complete a corresponding unit of study at the University of Sydney
  • you are an elite athlete or artist who cannot complete the unit of study at the University because of training or performance commitments
  • your course resolutions do not exclude cross-institutional study (see your handbook).

As cross-institutional study is a form of credit it will be counted towards any relevant credit limit.

Some faculties/schools have additional requirements, so make sure you read up on what the specific eligibility requirements are. 

In certain instances, international students may be able to undertake cross-institutional study at another Australian institution. You will first need to check:

  • that the destination institution accepts international cross-institutional students
  • what fees are involved
  • that your visa can accommodate this enrolment
  • Check with the student compliance team by sending an email to to learn about how cross-institutional study will affect your eCoE.

How to apply

  1. Read your faculty or school’s specific requirements to check if you’re eligible.
  2. Read and gather the required supported documentation
  3. Apply by submitting an enquiry. You will need to include an explanation of why you would like to take the unit, as well as the required supporting documentation. Students in the Sydney Law School should refer to the Law section below for application information.
  4. Once you’ve successfully completed the unit and received your results, apply for credit through Sydney Student.

To meet your destination institution’s application deadline, make sure you allow enough time for your faculty or school to process your cross-institutional study request and tell you the outcome. This can take up to four weeks.

If your application is approved, it will only be valid for the approved semester and year.

Faculty or school requirements

You need to submit a cross-institutional study request before you start any cross-institutional studies. 

Please refer to your Faculty Handbook, Course Resolutions, and Faculty or School Resolutions for specific rules and criteria. Some faculties or schools have additional eligibility criteria, outlined below.

After you have submitted the request, you may be asked to arrange an appointment to discuss how your request will satisfy the requirements of your University of Sydney course.

If you require any academic advice before submitting your application, please refer to our Academic Advice page

Eligibility criteria for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences students is outlined in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences cross-institutional study provisions 2015 (pdf, 64KB).

Sydney College of the Arts

To apply for the cross-institutional study, email SCA Student Administration at from your University student email account and attach the supporting documents

Eligibility criteria for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is outlined in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences cross-institutional study provisions 2015 (pdf, 64KB).

Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor students

If you’re undertaking the Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor, apply using the online form:

Alternatively, please submit the following form if you are not able to access the online form:

Send your completed application to

You need to demonstrate the following criteria:

  • the unit of study is not used to satisfy any compulsory requirement
  • the unit of study content is not taught in any corresponding elective unit of study in the Sydney Law School
  • you are, for good reason, unable to attend a corresponding unit of study in the school
  • the unit of study is taught in English at the required level and offered as part of an equivalent award course at the other institution
  • the unit of study is equivalent enough in the number of face-to-face teaching hours and in assessment requirements as to units offered by Sydney Law School.

Results from cross-institutional units will not be included in the calculation of your WAM.

Check the Sydney Law School’s Faculty Resolutions for eligibility and more information.

Postgraduate students

If you're a Postgraduate Law student, apply by submitting the following application at least four weeks in advance of your destination institutions enrolment deadline:

Alternatively, please submit the following form if you are not able to access the online form:

Please send your completed application to

For eligiblity criteria, check the Faculty of Medicine and Health Resolutions.

Cross-institutional study is not permitted by the Sydney Dental School, as indicated in their resolutions.

To apply for cross-institutional study, you will need to make an appointment to discuss your intentions with the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching). You will have to provide the Dean with detailed subject outlines, including assessments task outlines, for the units you would like to take.

You may only be permitted to complete a unit of study at another institution if the total credit point value of units of study taken through cross institutional study does not exceed 28 credit points for the whole bachelor's degree, 12 credit points for the whole master's degree and 6 credit points for the whole graduate diploma and graduate certificate courses.

Cross institutional study is not normally available for undergraduate diploma or undergraduate advanced diploma courses.

Check the Sydney Conservatorium of Music’s handbook for eligibility and more information.

For eligibility criteria, check the Faculty of Science Resolutions 

Unless otherwise stated in the course resolutions, cross-institutional study is not available to students enrolled in postgraduate programs. 

Supporting documents

You need to submit the following documents in addition to any other documents specified by your faculty or school.

  • Unit of study outlines that include:
    • contact hours
    • a summary of lecture content
    • practical content
    • textbooks
    • mode of assessment.
  • If you’re applying on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, supply a letter outlining these circumstances (including any relevant documentation that may support these circumstances).

Information for the destination institution

You may be required to submit the following documents to your proposed destination institution. You should check with them to make sure you have submitted everything they need:

  • a completed Home Institution Commonwealth Support Status Declaration that shows your status as a Commonwealth supported or fee-paying student
  • a Cross Institutional Study Form supplied by the destination institution which may need to be signed and stamped by the University of Sydney
  • an official academic transcript from the University of Sydney
  • a certified copy of your passport or birth certificate to show your residency/citizenship status
  • you will need to pay your student contribution amount or full fee to the destination institution. 

What happens next

You will need to apply separately to your host institution. 

Once you’ve completed the unit(s) of study and received your official notification of results, you’ll need to apply for credit through Sydney Student so the unit(s) can be credited towards your University of Sydney course. Go to ‘My studies’, ‘Course details’, then ‘Apply for credit and/or reduced volume of learning’.

You’ll need to upload a copy of your transcript from your host institution, as well as the approval letter we supply to you for you to undertake cross-institutional study.

Student Centre



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Last updated: 15 March 2024

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