E12 Professional Mentoring Program - The University of Sydney
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E12 Professional Mentoring Program

The E12 Professional Mentoring Program gives E12 Scholars the opportunity to explore career aspirations, build employability skills and create networks both at university and in the workplace, all under the guidance of experienced industry professionals.

The program is a part of the University of Sydney’s Early Offer Year 12 (E12) Scheme, which recognises students who have a strong motivation for learning, a record of community leadership, and high potential to succeed.

Co-designed by E12 Scholars, with 22% of our cohort contributing to its development, the program connects students with mentoring from an experienced industry professional. You can read more about the program on our online mentoring platform.

If you’re eligible for the program, you’ll be matched with a mentor who is:

  • an early career professional who has graduated within the past 2-3 years or an experienced industry leader
  • from your preferred industry areas of interest including arts, culture and creative industries, banking and financial services, engineering, government and defence, healthcare and medical, law and more.

What’s involved

You will be allocated to a small group with an industry mentor.

You’ll need to commit to completing:

  • a welcome event early in Semester 2
  • 3 mentoring sessions, each running for approximately 1 hour
  • one A4 page of pre-reading per session in the form of eLearning materials
  • a post-program survey.

If you successfully complete the program, you’ll have the opportunity for a one-on-one mentoring session and to attend an end-of-program celebration event.

Meeting times, dates and locations are flexible and will be agreed upon by your group in advance. You also have the option to select a preference for in-person or online meetings.

You can read more about the program commitments on the online mentoring platform.


You are eligible to apply for the program if you are an E12 Scholar in your third year of study or above in Semester 2, 2024.

If you’re unsure, you can contact us at studentlife.office@sydney.edu.au.

How to apply

Applications are closed and will open in May 2025.

What happens next

We will assess your application and notify you via email of your acceptance into the program, and the next steps.

All students who follow the commitments throughout the program will receive a certificate of completion and be eligible to access additional opportunities.

Further questions

If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Ribbon, Programs Coordinator at studentlife.office@sydney.edu.au.

Last updated: 11 September 2024

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