Health services - The University of Sydney
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Health and wellbeing

University Health Service

Medical centre

Our University Health Service is located on level 3 of the Wentworth Building on the Darlington Campus and we service the students and staff of the University of Sydney. Please be advised that we are not open to the general public. You will be required to produce your student or staff ID upon presentation to the clinic.

The surgery is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm during the teaching year.

Here we offer experienced general practitioner and emergency medical care services, including:

  • treatment of illness, injury and other physical problems
  • routine health checks
  • travel health advice and vaccinations
  • women’s health
  • advice on contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV
  • referral for pathology testing
  • assistance with emotional and personal difficulties
  • sports medicine and referral to specialists
  • clinical psychologist
  • advice, screening and vaccination for students undertaking study or placements associated with health risks
  • advice and assistance for students with examination difficulties
  • special arrangement for students with disabilities
  • referral to X-ray services
  • diving medicals.

The mpox vaccine is available at the University Health Service. This vaccine is free for all eligible patients. Prior to making an appointment, please check if you are eligible for the mpox vaccine.

Appointments can also be made for the HPV vaccine and various other travel-related vaccines (you should get vaccines three to four weeks prior to travel or study):

Our doctors can also assist with completing your course-related vaccination record card. Please book a standard consult with any of our doctors.

COVID-19 vaccinations

The University Health Services has COVID-19 Pfizer bivalent vaccine appointments available for staff, students, and their spouses, aged over 18. Appointments are available to Medicare card and Non-Medicare card holders. Non-Medicare card holders must apply for an Individual Health Identifier prior to the appointment. You will need to bring your staff or student card with you. Make a booking online.

Vaccines are also available from some GPs, walk-in clinics and pharmacies - visit the NSW Health website for locations.

Booster vaccine

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends a 2023 COVID-19 vaccine booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

All adults can get a booster if it has been 6 months or more since your last COVID-19 vaccine or confirmed COVID-19 infection – whichever was most recent. Eligible students and staff will be able to access a COVID-19 vaccine booster (Pfizer-Bivalent) from the University Health Services. To be eligible for the vaccine you need to be:

  • 18 years and older
  • be a student or staff member at the University of Sydney
  • have a Medicare Card.

The new COVID-19 bivalent vaccines help protect against the original strain of COVID-19 and the Omicron variants. A booster provides very strong protection against serious illness from COVID-19.

If you are eligible, you can make an online booking.

The date you had your last COVID-19 vaccine is on your COVID-19 digital certificate, available through your myGov account or the Express Plus Medicare App. Healthcare providers who provide vaccinations, including pharmacists, can also check your immunisation history for you.

HPV vaccinations

HPV vaccinations are now available. You may book an appointment online or call the practice to make an appointment.

Adults of 25 years old and under only require one dose of the HPV vaccinations.

Clinical lead
Dr Andrew Crossman BMed MMed(Syd) MSc(LSHTM) FRACGP

Practice manager
Ms Nicki Plytarias
+61 2 9351 3484

Registered nurses

  • Ivy Chu
  • Shanny Wong
  • Rebecca Garske

Doctors/Clinical contractors

  • Dr Gerard Cudmore MBBS MBA Dip PH
  • Dr Louise Dolan MSc.MBBS (Hons) MSc MPsycholMed
  • Dr Sharmila Jayaram MBBS (Syd) MMed (Syd) FRACGP
  • Dr Cindy Pan MBBS (Syd), FRACGP
  • Dr Susan Willis MB BS BSc MPHTM
  • Dr Tanya Nguyen MBBS
  • Dr Ludmila Ferreira De Freitas MBBS
  • Dr Andrew Crossman BMed MMed(Syd) MSc(LSHTM) FRACGP
  • Dr Beena Chaugule MBBS FRACGP GAICD
  • Dr Leonie Matthews MBBS FRACGP DCH
  • Dr Kathryn Willott FRACGP MD BSc


  • Sahana Narayan


  • Nicolyn Swasbrook
  • Lucy Arida
  • Carolina Casas
  • Alice Whitfeld
  • Christine Yu

Making an appointment

You can call us on +61 2 9351 3484 to make an appointment, or book online.

Appointments are usually 10–15 minutes long. Please let us know if you require a longer appointment.

If you are in pain or distress, you can attend the clinic during opening hours without an appointment to be assessed by our nurses. Medically urgent cases will be given priority.


Domestic students

  • If you have a Medicare card, for most consultations we will direct bill Medicare. Make sure you bring your valid Medicare card or number and University of Sydney student card.
  • If you're not enrolled in Medicare, you will need to pay the full fee for your consultation. Contact us for information about our consultation fees.

International students

  • We will have direct billing arrangements for students covered by Bupa Overseas Student Health Cover commencing towards the end of 2024. You will be required to bring your valid Bupa OSHC card and photo ID to your appointment.
  • We will continue direct billing students with Allianz OSHC cover. Please bring your valid Allianz OSHC card and photo ID.
  • If you have health cover from another provider, you will be required to pay at the time of consultation and be reimbursed by your provider.

Non-student-card holders

  • If you don't have a University of Sydney student card, school card, pension or other concession card you need to pay the full fee for your consultation at the time of your visit.
  • If you have a Medicare card, you will receive a rebate (Medicare fee) paid into your registered Medicare bank account. You will have a gap fee (out of pocket expense) of $40–$90 depending on consultation length. You need to bring your valid Medicare card or number.

Please be advised that from 1 October 2024 non-student community and staff members will pay a gap fee based on the consultation length.

Consult type University of Sydney staff gap fee Community non-student/staff gap fee
Standard consult $40 $45
Long consult $80 $90

Additional costs and services

Some services, functions and goods will have additional costs, including:

  • certain procedures and consults:
    • skin checks (out of pocket costs of $40–80)
    • skin excisions (out of pocket costs of $40–80)
    • Implanon insertion/removal (out of pocket costs of $40–80)
  • vaccines (unless government funded)
  • equipment
  • cancellation fees
  • psychology sessions:
    • Non-students will incur a gap payment of $140.00 for the initial consult and $110.00 for subsequent sessions.

Please check with the clinic for costs and fees prior to making your appointment. Charges may apply if you require replacement or duplicate medical certificates, records and documents.

We accept payments by credit cards (not American Express) and EFTPOS.


On the day before your appointment, you will be sent an SMS reminder. Reply 'YES' to confirm or 'NO' to cancel. No-shows or late cancellations will incur a fee.

If you cannot attend your appointment, you need to cancel within the required notice period or a non-attendance fee will be applied.

The non-attendance fee is not claimable from Medicare or private health insurers. You will be required to pay this fee before you can be seen at the University Health Service.

Appointment type Notice period
Medical practitioners 3 hours notice or a $40 fee
Clinical psychologist 24 hours notice or a $60 fee

Patient feedback

If you have any comments, suggestions or concerns regarding your experience of the University Health Service, please contact Dr Gerard Cudmore MBBS MBA Dip PH

Complaints may also be directed to the Health Care Complaints Commission.

Other healthcare services

The following services are available on our Camperdown and Darlington campuses:

  • Counselling - professional and confidential psychological and mental health services are free and available through our Student Counselling Service.
  • Chiropractic - services for chiropractic, wellness and remedial massage based at the University of Sydney.
  • Physiotherapy - the Sports Clinic offers services including physiotherapy, sports medicine, podiatry, acupuncture, exercise physiology and dietetics.
  • Dentistry - Campus dental, based in the Wentworth building and providing an extensive range of dental services including preventive dentistry, teeth whitening and orthodontics.
  • Optometry - Chris MacMahon optometrist, offering professional advice and guidance in the choice of lenses and optical eyewear.

University Health Service

  • +61 2 9351 3484 (Wentworth)
  • +61 2 9351 4110 (Wentworth)
  • Butlin Ave, Level 3 Wentworth G01
Opening hours

8.30 am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday (except on public holidays).

Last face to face appointment is at 4.15 pm.

Last updated: 04 February 2025

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