3000 level - types of project units - The University of Sydney
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Industry and community projects

3000 level - types of project units

How it works

The industry partners set a brief about a real business problem or challenge faced by their organisation. You'll work in mixed disciplinary groups to research, analyse and work collaboratively to find solutions to this brief. Project supervisors will allocate the groups to ensure an interdisciplinary mix of students. Throughout the project, you will have the opportunity to engage with and learn from industry experts who will provide helpful information, guidance and feedback on your project.

You'll be led by an academic supervisor who'll help you achieve the learning outcomes of the unit including developing your skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, cultural competency, presentation skills and developing your own integrated professional, ethical and personal identity.

The assessments will be based on a combination of group and individual presentations and writing tasks. These include a group project plan, two individual statements, a group presentation to industry partners with an executive summary and a final group report. Full details of assessment criteria can be found on the unit of study outline for the shell unit you enrol in.

If you have any questions about the projects, you can email pvceducation.enquiries@sydney.edu.au

Semester-long projects

Projects take place face to face over the course of the semester. You are expected to attend class at a scheduled time for 3 hours a week over this period, for at least 90% of the semester.

Throughout the project, you will have the opportunity to engage with and learn from industry experts who will provide helpful information, guidance and feedback when working on your project. At the end of the semester, you will have the opportunity to present your final solutions in front of industry professionals.

To enrol in a semester-long industry project see the how to apply page.

Domestic Intensives

Intensive projects are run in January - February, June - July and September - October through a mix of independent and structured learning. Intensives are full-time equivalent offerings, and the exact timing of each day is outlined in the Intensive section of the website. For these projects, you will work intensively over a four (January - February and June - July intensive) or six (September - October intensive) week period in interdisciplinary groups undertaking relevant research and presenting solutions to a real-world challenge. Throughout the project, you will have the opportunity to engage with and learn from industry experts who will provide helpful information, guidance and feedback when working on your project.

To enrol in an intensive industry project see the how to apply page.

Global Campus Intensives

Global Campus Intensive projects are run in the June - July intensive period through a mix of independent and structured learning.

For these projects students will spend 2 - 3 weeks in-country working in a collaborative learning space where you’ll have the opportunity to engage directly with industry partners and take part in relevant site visits and excursions. In the final week of the intensive, students are expected to conduct independent study where you'll write up your final assessments through self-directed learning as advised by your project supervisor.

The application process will include a merit-based application process, including an application submission and a group interview. You will need to be successful in this application before you can register for the project.

To find out more about our Global intensive industry project see the Globals section on the 3000 level projects and partners page

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Last updated: 21 November 2024

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