Materials and equipment - The University of Sydney
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Materials and equipment

Most courses and units of study have required or recommended course materials, such as books, readers, materials and equipment. There may also be ancillary costs for your degree to cover additional resources.

Books and study materials

Prescribed textbooks for each unit of study are listed in your faculty handbook, unit of study outlines or on the Booktopia bookshop website, using its textbook search.

Buy your textbooks and course notes or readers early to save time and avoid queues. You can also order them online for collection or delivery.

You can buy textbooks a number of ways:

Some units of study also prescribe student notes or a course reader. This is a collection of journal articles, book chapters and other material from a range of sources. Hardcopies may be available from:

  • PublishPartner, on the Darlington and Cumberland campuses (notes can be ordered online).
  • Kopy Stop, on Mountain Street, Broadway.

If you’re enrolled in a course taught at another campus, check your unit of study outlines to find out where your textbooks, notes and readers are available.

If you need help covering the cost of reading materials, contact our Financial Support Service.

You can also see if your course readings and textbooks can be accessed online or are available to borrow by checking the Library website.

Course equipment

Your unit of study outline will contain information on whether you need to buy course equipment or clothing, such as lab coats, safety glasses or boots.

You can also find your course requirements and order equipment online through the faculty e-stores below.

Additional costs

Additional costs associated with your degree may cover resources such as materials, equipment and uniforms.

Below is a list of estimated additional costs associated with your degree. These aren’t always compulsory and where kits are available for purchase, you can choose to use your own equipment and materials or buy them independently.


Approximate cost


Bachelor of Architecture and Environments (Year1)


Set costs for materials kit (timber, plaster, card, polypropylene) and toolkit

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Year 1)



Bachelor of Design in Architecture (BDES1026 Studio 1A)


Set costs for materials kit (plaster, bamboo, card, polypropylene etc)

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (BDES2026 Studio 2A)


Set costs for stream-specific materials kit (object, image, drawing, materials modules)

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (each year)

$250 – $750

Model-making materials (perspex, board, wood, metals etc, used in producing models for architecture studios)

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Year 3)

$200 – $750

Students are invited to participate in a field trip to Melbourne. Transport and accommodation options are at the discretion of students.

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Year 3)

$35 – $60

Participation in the Graduate Exhibition (contributing to printing, catalogue and other costs associated with the exhibition). Charges determined and collected by students.

Master of Architecture (each studio)

$150 – $500

Model-making materials (perspex, board, wood, metals etc, used in producing models for architecture studios)

Master of Architecture (graduate studio)

$50 – $75

Participation in the Graduate Exhibition (contributing to printing, catalogue and other costs associated with the exhibition). Charges determined and collected by students.

Bachelor of Design Computing (each studio)

up to $200

Electronics and other materials to support studio projects

Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts (each studio)

up to $200

Electronics and other materials to support studio projects

AWSS1001 Architectural Sketching and Drawing


Set costs for materials kit. You can supply your own materials.

AWSS2002 Site Specific Art


Set costs for materials kit (concrete, casting, brazing consumables)

AWSS2010 Architecture & Design Ceramic Processes
DESA9014 Architecture & Design Ceramic Processes


Set costs for materials kit (clay, plaster, glaze, sketchbook etc). You can supply your own materials.

AWSS2020/DESA9008 Object Design


Set costs for materials kit. You can supply your own materials.

AWSS2015 Generative Drawing


Set costs for materials kit (ink, quills, paper, pens, charcoal, sketchbook etc)

AWSS2027/DESA9013 Architecture and Design Material Processes


Set costs for materials kit (ink, quills, paper, pens, charcoal, sketchbook etc)

AWSS2023 Architectural Photography


Set costs for materials kit (photographic paper, class activity materials)

AWSS2026/DESA9012 2D Print Processes in Design


Set costs for materials kit (casting materials, card, silicone, plaster, sketchbook etc)

DESA3013 Expanded Colour: from Theory to Application


Set costs for materials kit (papers, brushes, colour filters)

Sydney College of the Arts

Below is a list of estimated additional costs associated with your degree. You can choose to use your own equipment and materials or buy them independently. After you’ve enrolled in a program at Sydney College of the Arts, you will be able to pay your ancillary expenses online.


Approximate cost


Year 1

Bachelor of Visual Arts

Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies


Set costs for materials kit

Elective units of study

$20 - $100

Additional materials required for projects (e.g. clay, glass, film, metal etc.)

Bachelor of Visual Arts

Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours)


Contribution towards graduate exhibition

Master of Moving Image


Contribution towards graduate screening event

Students are invited to participate in elective units of study which are held overseas. Transport and accommodation options are included in the cost.

Degree/unit Approximate cost
Bachelor of Laws (Years 4 and 5) $2000-3500
Juris Doctor (Years 2 and 3) $2000-3500

Sydney Dental School

These approximate costs are indicative and subject to change on an annual basis. You will be given an order form and exact costs once your course begins.

Bachelor of Oral Health
  • Year 1 – $2230
  • Year 2 – $500
  • Year 3 – $120
Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
  • Year 1 – $6500
  • Year 2 – $2300
  • Year 3 – $750
  • Year 4 – $200

Sydney Medical School

There are additional costs associated with studying a Doctor of Medicine in Australia. Some of these indicative costs are listed below.

  • First aid course: $100 - $215
    As a successful applicant, you are required to provide evidence that you hold a current approved Senior First Aid certificate.
  • Immunisation(s): variable
  • Hospital coat: $55 - $85
  • Stethoscope: $35 - $360
  • Tendon hammer: $20
  • Torch: $6 - $8
  • Textbooks: $500+
    Textbooks are available on-line. You will be provided with a login name and password to purchase textbooks after you enrol.

School of Life and Environmental Sciences

Below is a list of estimated additional costs associated with your degree.

Degree Item Price
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Agriculture)*
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Food and Agribusiness)*
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience)
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Taronga Wildlife Conservation)
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
  • Immunisations**
  • Travel for learning activities***
  • Variable
  • $500
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience)
  • Immunisations**
  • Travel and accommodation costs for placements^
  • Variable
  • Vary depending on placement location
  • Degree, program, stream or major/minor units of study
  • Field trips^^
  • $35 - $2,700

*No longer available for new student enrolment in 2024.

**Immunisations are required for the courses and/or units that are core requirements in these degrees.

***Travel to Camden campus, Narrabri and Taronga Zoo may be required for the satisfactory completion of learning activities, and you are responsible for funding your transport to these activities.

^You are required to undertake practical experience placements with relevant animal or animal-related enterprises throughout your degree as part of the compulsory professional development program which must be completed for your course. You are responsible for funding transport and accommodation expenses for these placements, keeping in mind that these will vary depending on location. Please visit the Transport for NSW website for information on public transport and the University’s Student Accommodation page for a general guide to the average cost of living in Sydney, a guide to accommodation options, as well as a link to a budget planner.

^^ These units of study may be completed to satisfy degree, program, stream or major/minor requirements. Typically, these expenses cover meals, accommodation, and transport. These costs are indicative and can change from year to year, subject to the duration and destination of the field trip requirement for the unit of study.

Sydney School of Veterinary Science

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

There are additional costs associated with studying a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in Australia. Some of these indicative costs are listed below.

Item Price
Uniform and clothing required for practical classes and course required placements


These items can be ordered through our online store. All mandatory items will be clearly marked, with additional optional items available.

Mandatory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kit* $120
Radiation Monitor $115
Immunisation(s) Variable
Stethoscope $82 - $385
Thermometer $15 - $27
Pen light $15 - $27
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Professional Skills Equipment Pack* $750
Textbooks Vary according to unit of study. We recommend you consult with your unit of study coordinators before purchasing textbooks.
Travel and accommodation costs for placements (see information below) Vary depending on placement location

*You are required to have a surgical instrument kit along with certain clinical equipment. You'll use these items throughout the duration of your DVM degree. How you obtain these instruments is up to you. For your convenience we have discussed the purchase of these items from 2 companies that are willing to take your order. You are under no obligations to place your order with these companies and there is no financial benefit to the University. Instruments and clinical equipment can be sourced at various prices and quality. As these are your personal equipment, the purchasing decisions are your own, but you are encouraged to purchase the best quality instruments and clinical equipment that you can afford given your personal circumstances. We’ll give you further details on the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Professional Skills Equipment Pack and the mandatory PPE kit upon enrolment.

Travel and accommodation costs for placements

The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine has several placements that students must complete during their degree.

  • In Years 1 and 2, you will attend the University Farms, Camden up to 2 days per week.
  • During vacation periods from Year 1 to Year 3, you are required to complete an extramural studies program of practical work in pre-clinical (animal husbandry) and preparatory clinical (veterinary practice) placements. Animal husbandry placements commence during Year 1, Semester 2, and pre-clinical placements during Year 2.
  • You also need to attend a placement at an abattoir in Year 3.
  • During Year 3, most classes will take place at the University's Camden Campus. There are self-catered student accommodation facilities on the campus. Alternative accommodation is available in the surrounding area and adjacent towns. Students are responsible for arranging accommodation and travel and associated costs.
  • In Year 4, you will complete a minimum of 40 weeks of clinical rotations at approved extramural sites (both urban and rural) and the University Veterinary Teaching Hospitals (Sydney and Camden). The extramural studies program meets requirements set by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and is an essential component of the DVM degree. The location of properties, private veterinary practices and other partner sites may be some distance from Sydney and may include interstate or overseas travel. During rotations, you will need to travel to your allocated site on a daily basis. You are responsible for funding transport and accommodation expenses to complete each rotation.

Students are responsible for accommodation and travel arrangements and costs. Please visit the Transport for NSW website for information on public transport and the University’s Student Accommodation page for a general guide to the average cost of living in Sydney, a guide to accommodation options, as well as a link to a budget planner.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 22 November 2024

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