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Modern slavery

Module and support services

How can I learn more?

The University of Sydney has partnered with Anti-Slavery Australia to develop a short and engaging Anti-slavery awareness training module specifically designed for University of Sydney students.

Developed by experts in the field, the online module will help you identify and understand the risks of modern slavery and highlight where to go for assistance and support.

Accessing the module

The module is now available to all students. For all new students this module will appear as a tile in your Canvas homepage. If you are a continuing student you can access the training by enrolling in Canvas. After you enrol, the Anti-Slavery Awareness module will be on your Canvas dashboard.

The module will take about 15 minutes for you to complete. Once you've successfully completed the module, it will appear in the 'Courses' section of Canvas.

If you are affected by any of the topics discussed in the module or experience any distress as a result, you do not need to continue completing it. You can access support through several avenues listed below.

Why should I complete the module?

Our module is not compulsory however we encourage all University of Sydney students currently located in Australia to complete it.

Through interactive activities and scenarios, you will learn:

  • what modern slavery is and how to identify risks and situations where you or someone you know may need help
  • where you or someone you know can go to access support services
  • how you can take meaningful action.

What students say about the module

Watch the video below to hear what students who have completed the module have to say about their experience.

Where can I go for help?

Guidance, support and pathways to legal assistance are readily available both on and off campus and online. Below are a range of resources that may support you or a fellow student if you are in, or at risk of, modern slavery.

If you or someone you know may be experiencing modern slavery linked to any part of the University’s activities, help is available. You can make an anonymous report through our online reporting form.

The University’s Modern Slavery Unit will use the information you provide to understand your needs, to refer you to care and support, and where possible, address the incident you are reporting. Find out more about making a report.

If you need urgent assistance, contact Emergency Services by dialling triple zero (000).

If you feel unsafe on campus or are concerned for someone else’s safety you can contact Protective services on +61 2 9351 3333, 24 hours a day.

University support services

  • Student Wellbeing
    02 8627 8433;
    Can support you if you are experiencing workplace exploitation (including modern slavery), sexual misconduct, domestic and family violence, or bullying and harassment.
  • Call 1800 SYD HLP
    1800 793 457 (option 2, then option 1) from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
  • After Hours Mental Wellbeing Support Line
    1300 474 065 (available 24/7), or text 0488 884 429 (for SMS chat option).
  • Student representative associations
    Undergraduate students: contact the Student Representative Council (SRC) on 02 9660 5222, 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

    Postgraduate students: contact the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) on 02 9351 3715, 9am – 5pm (closed 12 – 1pm), Monday to Friday.

Additional support services

  • Anti-Slavery Australia
    02 9514 8115;
    Provides free and confidential legal and migration services for people experiencing modern slavery.
  • My Blue Sky
    02 9514 8115; 0481 070 844;
    Provides free and confidential support for forced marriage.
  • The Australian Federal Police
    131 237 (131AFP);
    Can keep you safe, provide advice and refer you to other services that provide accommodation, financial support, counselling, and legal and immigration advice.
  • 24-hour free phone counselling is also available from the following community resources:
    Lifeline - 13 11 14
    Mental Health Line NSW - 1800 011 511
  • Free interpreter services are available to help any person communicate with service providers in their own language.
    Call Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. All calls are free and confidential.

Modern Slavery Unit

Safer Communities Office

  • + 61 2 8627 6808
  • Opening hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm, (Monday to Friday)
  • Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building (G02)
Last updated: 04 June 2024

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