Research travel for conferences and fieldwork - The University of Sydney
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Research travel for conferences and fieldwork

Participation in conferences and fieldwork throughout the year is often integral to your research. You will need to plan this with your supervisor, including any overseas travel required.

If you plan to engage in fieldwork, travel or attend a conference, your progress plan may need to be updated. Prior to leaving, you should discuss this with your supervisor and make sure you address the following issues:

  • safety and wellbeing, especially if your travel is to a country currently assessed as at risk for Australian visitors
  • financial support – there are various opportunities to request funding from the University to contribute towards your travel costs
  • supervision arrangements during your time away
  • continued ethical responsibilities while travelling and undertaking research away from the University.

You will also need to submit a ‘Counting time away’ request for leave through Sydney Student and register your travel via Concur.”

Once your request has been assessed, we will notify you of the outcome.


Postgraduate Research Support Scheme

The Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) provides University funding for attendance and travel to conferences around the world. PRSS funding can also support your fieldwork or research overseas.

University of Sydney Grants-in-aid

Grants-in-aid are available if you’re a citizen or an Australian permanent resident and undertake short-term periods of research overseas. Grants-in-aid do not support attendance at conferences.

Travel scholarships

A range of Travelling Scholarships and Overseas Scholarships are available to support research undertaken outside Australia.

Supervision arrangements while you're away

You may need to organise an external supervisor to be appointed during your time away. This will depend on a number of factors including:

  • your research topic
  • the period of time you’ll be away
  • your supervisor’s advice or instruction.

An external supervisor can be an expert in your research field, a staff member at another university, or an affiliate of the University of Sydney or another university.

Contact us for advice about external supervision before you travel.

Your ethical responsibilities

Your research may require ethical considerations in other countries, regardless of whether it requires ethics approval in Australia.

Research and publication on certain topics, in any media, may be considered a criminal act under the laws of other countries.

Contact the Research Integrity team for advice before travelling, or the Office of General Counsel if you’re concerned about the legal implications of your intended research in a particular country.

Student travel insurance

As an enrolled student of the University, you are covered by our travel insurance policy when the travel is curriculum related and your travel has been approved.

Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre


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Opening hours:
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Last updated: 30 March 2023

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