Scholarships - The University of Sydney
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There are a wide range of scholarships available to you as a student at the University.


Scholarships provide funding to students based on a range of factors including chosen area of study, academic achievements, background or financial situation.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties you may be eligible for financial assistance through a loan or bursary.

Find and apply for scholarships

The scholarships website provides a full list of scholarships and awards.

Once you’ve found a scholarship you’re interested in, follow the application instructions given on these webpages. In some cases, you may not need to apply as some scholarships are automatically awarded based on your results.

Application closing dates will vary depending on the scholarship, so check the dates carefully.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Find out more about how we can help

Last updated: 05 June 2023

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