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Special consideration and arrangements

When and how to apply


The University expects you to act honestly and with integrity when applying for special consideration and arrangements. Only submit information that is true, accurate and complete. Find out more about your obligations to act honestly.

When you need to apply

The deadline to apply will depend on the reason for your application. 



Special consideration

Illness, injury or misadventure

No longer than three working days after:
  • the original assessment due date
  • the sitting date of the exam
  • the date of the missed class or missed placement

For example, if your assessment was due on Monday, you have until Thursday, 11.59pm (Sydney local time) to apply. 

Special arrangement

For an assessment or exam during semester

If you are aware of your essential commitment at the start of the semester, you need to apply at the start of semester.

Otherwise, you need to apply as soon as you become aware.

Special arrangement

For an assessment or exam in the formal University exam periods

No longer than 14 days after we publish the exam timetable.

If you’re not aware of the commitment at this time, you'll need to apply within three working days after you know the special commitment date.

For example, if on Monday you receive a summons to appear at court, you have until Thursday, 11.59pm (Sydney local time) to apply. 

Late applications

If you apply after the deadline, you'll need to include a reasonable explanation, otherwise we can't consider your application. 

How to apply

The application should take 5-10 minutes to complete. You can also save it to complete it later. 



Apply online through the Special considerations form.


Select the reason you're applying from the drop-down menu.


Make a short statement giving specific dates and describing the impact of the illness, injury misadventure or special commitment on your studies.


Upload supporting documents. If all the necessary supporting documents are not provided, your application cannot be approved.

If you're applying for reasons of grief or bereavement but don't have all of the documents yet, you should still submit your form by the deadline. We'll contact you to request your documents before we assess your application.


Select the impacted units of study you are currently, or were previously, enrolled in. You can then select the assessment item you want to include in your application.

You can request special consideration for more than one unit of study or assessment if they were affected by the same illness, injury, misadventure or special commitment.


Are your circumstances ongoing?

As well as applying for special consideration or arrangements, we encourge you to seek extra support if you're dealing with long-term impacts. You could talk to one of our wellbeing advisors, an academic advisor in your faculty or schoolInclusion and Disability Services or your health care provider.

If you need help applying

Accessible options

If a disability prevents you from applying online and you're registered with Inclusion and Disability Services, contact your Disability Support Officer. 

If you can't apply online

If your reason for making an application prevents you from applying online, you should make an online enquiry or call the Student Centre.

Your obligations to act honestly

The University expects you to act honestly and with integrity in all academic matters, and to uphold our Academic Integrity Policy 2022 (pdf, 350KB). This includes meeting integrity standards when you apply for special consideration or arrangements. 

Only submit information that is true, accurate and complete; and provided without the intent to mislead or gain advantage. If you wish to change information or documents once you’ve submitted, you’ll need to withdraw your application and create a new application.

Fraudulent documents

Be aware of unregistered or fraudulent operators who claim to be able to provide the supporting documents you need for your application. There are strict requirements for who can provide you with documents which you can read about in our Eligible reasons and supporting documents section. 


Submitting a fraudulent document or false information is considered misconduct under the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016 (pdf, 389KB) and will be treated seriously. If found guilty the University may initiate civil or criminal proceedings. We may also impose penalties such as:

  • a fail grade and mark of zero for the affected unit on your transcript 
  • expulsion from the University without refund.

Find out more about academic integrity.


Any personal or sensitive information submitted as part of your special consideration application will be managed carefully by the University as per our Privacy Policy (pdf, 219KB)

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 03 June 2024

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