Student carers - The University of Sydney
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Student carers

We are committed to providing a range of support for students with carer responsibilities.

As defined in the Carer recognition Act 2010, you are a carer if you provide personal care, support and assistance to another individual who needs it due to disability, medical condition or mental illness. See Part 1, section 5 of the Coursework policy for more information.

Short-term responsibilities

In the event of unexpected primary carer responsibilities, you can apply for special consideration or an adjustment to your timetable.

You will need to provide one of the following documents accompanied by relevant supporting documents:

  • professional practitioner certificate indicating your primary carer responsibilities
  • a statutory declaration indicating how primary carer responsibilities have impacted your ability to study accompanied by relevant supporting documents.

How to apply for special consideration

Our special consideration and special arrangements process is here to support you in situations where you are affected by exceptional circumstances or essential commitments that impact your academic performance.

Ongoing caring responsibilities

If you have ongoing caring responsibilities for another person (who has a disability, medical condition, mental health condition, or who is aged and frail) you can register with Inclusion and Disability Services.

They can work with you to develop an individual academic plan, outlining your support needs for each semester. You then won’t need to re-apply for special consideration for each individual academic activity.

For any questions about this, contact the Inclusion and Disability Services team.

How to apply to register with Inclusion and Disability services

By registering with Inclusion and Disability Services, students who have a disability can gain access to the adjustments and services they need to succeed in their studies.

Support for carers

If you would like to speak to our Wellbeing team about managing your caring responsibilities alongside your studies, complete our registration form and a clinician will call you to discuss your support needs.

Other support services available to assist you:

See our full range of student life, wellbeing and support available.

Inclusion and Disability Services

  • + 61 2 8627 8485
  • Level 5 Jane Foss Russell Building G02
Opening hours

9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Registered students can make an enquiry online

Last updated: 03 October 2023

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