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Thesis submission

What happens next

Once you submit your thesis, it will be checked for plagiarism and then distributed to the examiners for assessment.

Plagiarism detection software

When you submit your thesis, it is passed through plagiarism detection software.

Before submitting, read our information about plagiarism and how to include previously published material.

Our Research Code of Conduct (pdf, 484KB) sets out the responsibilities of all researchers, academic staff and students at the University. It defines research misconduct and breaches of the code related to plagiarism.


All examinations are confidential, with two external examiners required for each examination. Examiners must be of international standing in the research topic of the thesis.

Examiners are asked to declare any perceived or actual conflict of interest before agreeing to carry out your examination.

HDRAC oversees your examination process, making sure it’s carried out in an appropriate and timely manner. We are frequently in touch with examiners, who are often overseas and engaged with their own research. If there are any substantial delays in your examination, we will advise your supervisor and postgraduate coordinator.

Status updates

You can view the status of your thesis examination in your examination record in RECS. Go to ‘My project’, then ‘Examinations’.

You will recieve a notification of the outcome once the examination has been concluded.

Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre


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Opening hours:
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Last updated: 11 January 2024

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