Domestic full fee paying - The University of Sydney
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Understanding your fees

Domestic full fee paying

All domestic postgraduate courses at the University are offered as full fee paying. This means your place receives no financial contribution from the government and you are required to pay the full cost of the course.

Some postgraduate courses also offer Commonwealth supported places for domestic students, most are offered as full fee paying.

When are my fees due?

There are several different fee due dates in the year depending on the teaching periods in which you are enrolled. You can see your personal fee due dates on your financial statement in Sydney Student.

You can see the full list of fee due dates on the study dates page.

How much do I pay?

Tuition fees for full-fee-paying places are based on an annual course fee that is reviewed each year.

Annual fees are based on an equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL) of 24 credit points per semester or 48 credit points (1.0 EFTSL) per year. If your study load in any calendar year is more or less than 1.0 EFTSL your tuition fee will differ.

Indicative fees are available in Find a course.

How do I pay?

For more information about payment methods, see paying your fees.

Can I get help paying my fees?

If you are eligible you may be able to access a loan through FEE-HELP to cover all or part of your tuition fees.

Student Centre



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or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 24 November 2023

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