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Update your personal and contact information

As a student it’s your responsibility to make sure we always have the correct contact information for you.

  1. Your address and contact details
  2. Your personal details

Your address and contact details

You can update your address and contact details at any time in Sydney Student (go to ‘My details’, then ‘Address and residency’). You don't need to provide supporting documents. 

Read more about updating your:


Government records
It's important that your personal details and addresses listed in Sydney Student match government records, such as the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Registry and myGov. You may need to update your information.

If your details don't match, you could encounter problems with government payments (eg. HELP loan or Austudy). 


Depending on your circumstances, government requirements may apply to the address information you provide.

Residential address

This is where you currrently live. 

If your address changes, remember to update it as soon as possible.

You should check that this address matches your details in government records, as it could affect any government financial support you receive.

Permanent address

This is where we can contact you outside of each semester, or after you finish your studies. This is where we would send any correspondence. It can't be a post office (PO) box.

Your permanent address can be the same as your residential address if you wish.

Optional address

You can choose to provide an additional address where you’d prefer to receive mail, for example a post office (PO) box.

Residential address

This is where you currently live.

It is a condition of your student visa that you let us know your residential address within seven days of:

  • arriving in Australia if you were outside Australia when your visa was granted
  • changing your residential address in Australia.

Find out more about your student visa conditions.

You should check that this address matches your details in the USI portal.

Permanent address

This is where we can contact you outside of each semester, or after you finish your studies. This is where we would send any correspondence. It can't be a post office (PO) box.

It is an Australian Government requirement that you provide an address outside of Australia.

Optional address

You can choose to provide an additional address where you’d prefer to receive mail, for example a post office (PO) box.

Residential address

This is where you currently live. It needs to be an address outside of Australia.

Once you arrive in Australia to study you will need to update your status to onshore and provide an Australian residential address.

Permanent address

This is where we can contact you outside of each semester, or after you finish your studies. This is where we would send any correspondence. It can't be a post office (PO) box.

It is an Australian Government requirement that you provide an address outside of Australia.

Your permanent address can be the same as your residential address if you wish.

Optional address

You can choose to provide an additional address where you’d prefer to receive mail, for example a post office (PO) box.


We’ll send all official notices to your University student email address. It's your responsibility to check this address regularly.

You can choose to forward your emails to another address but if any important communications are lost this then becomes your responsibility.

You can also add a personal email address in Sydney Student. During your studies, there are some situations where we may contact you at this address. For example:

Phone numbers

Please provide your current mobile number in Sydney Student. We may use this to contact you with important information about your studies and graduation.

There's also an option to provide a second number, such as a landline number or additional mobile.


Your information is managed according to relevant privacy legislation. Read more about your privacy at the University.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Find out more about how we can help

Last updated: 28 May 2024

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