Additional help is available to help you further develop your writing skills.
- You can attend a Learning Hub (Academic Language and Learning) workshop.
- Look at the online resources of the Learning Hub (Academic Language and Learning).
- Ask Learning Hub (Academic Language and Learning) staff if you can do a short writing test for a ‘diagnosis’ of your writing. Alternatively, ask for an appointment to show Learning Hub (Academic Language and Learning) staff one of your essays, preferably with your marker’s feedback. Note that we can’t help you proofread or edit a draft.
- Ask your lecturer or tutor for feedback on your assignment draft. This allows you to make improvements before handing it in. Some markers will give feedback on a draft and some won’t.
- During consultation hours for your lecturer or tutor, ask them for more feedback on your marked essay.
- Ask your lecturer or department if there are any examples of good essays to see what you are aiming for.
- Discuss your essay ideas, markers’ feedback and your writing process with other students.