
26 August 2019

Have your say on sustainability at Sydney

Help prioritise where the University can make the biggest impact to create a more sustainable university.
19 August 2019

5 tips to help you be more sustainable at uni

Are you ready to make a green impact on campus? From re-usable coffee cups to flora on campus, here are five simple ways you can make your campus life more sustainable.
16 August 2019

How to plan your semester

Take some practical planning advice from the Library's Peer Learning Advisors (PLAs). As current students themselves, they know the magic of planning early so you're relaxed and ready when exams roll around.
12 August 2019

Students invited to comment on freedom of speech on campus

The Vice-Chancellor’s French Review Model Code Implementation Group is asking students and staff to provide their comments about the Model Code by Monday 26 August.
09 August 2019

How to write a strong scholarship application

A scholarship application introduces us to who you are and what you have achieved. While all are different, here are some tips for writing your undergraduate scholarship application, using the single scholarship form.
01 August 2019

When will I ever use maths?

While it may not feel like it, there is more to maths than meets the eye.
26 June 2019

What does it mean to be a leader?

Meet international student Zeyu Shu, who is also a member of the University's Institutional Analytics and Planning (IAP) team and, if his track record is anything to go by, a future leader for good.
03 June 2019

Short films show us the student soul of Sydney

A story about life as an Australian-born Chinese student edged out a high quality field of student-made amateur films about student life in Sydney and cultural connections.
17 May 2019

How an Industry Project Unit can help you secure a graduate job

Vincent Giannini and Jenny Zhang completed an Industry and Community Project Unit (ICPU) in their final semester at Sydney Uni. They share how the experience helped them to land their jobs and start their career journey.
03 May 2019

Interdisciplinary study opportunities explained

With so much choice (and so many acronyms) across the University’s interdisciplinary learning opportunities, it can be difficult to know what sets them apart. Here’s a no-nonsense explainer to answer your basic questions.