

22 January 2018

Can urban agriculture reduce food insecurity for the urban poor?

Urban agriculture has become a popular vision of the future city – a sustainable way to feed rapidly growing and urbanised populations. However, we must ask the question, who does urban agriculture benefit and will it support the urban poor in reaching food security?
17 January 2018

The EJ Series, part 11: the other side of environmental justice—finding ecological justice in Aotearoa

This blog provides a summary of the report, Finding Ecological Justice in New Zealand, written by Claire Browning and published by the New Zealand Law Foundation. Claire contributed to a paper given by Mike Joy at the Environmental Justice Conference, Sydney University, 6-8 November 2017.
15 January 2018

The EJ Series, part 10: ‘just stories’ and the prism of mixed media storytelling

Sarah Marie Wiebe offers reflections on what mixed media storytelling with Indigenous youth can offer the study and practice of environmental justice. This article is based on a presentation by Sarah Marie Wiebe on a panel entitled ‘Just Stories’ at the Environmental Justice 2017: Looking Back, Looking Forward Conference, University of Sydney, 6-8 November 2017.
11 January 2018

EJ Series, Part 9: landscapes of dispossession – examining adaptation and the persistent exclusion of the urban poor

This article is based on a paper presented by Karen Paiva Henrique at the Environmental Justice 2017 Conference, University of Sydney, 6-8 November 2017, and is a part of her broader PhD research.
09 January 2018

EJ Series part 8: the story of environmental justice and access to land for Borroloola community

‘All over Australia, Aboriginal communities are mobilising to fight the forces of colonisation and resource extraction’. SEI Honours Research Fellow Jodie Pall explores the unevenly distributed impacts of the McArthur River Mine on the Borroloola community and Aboriginal responses to this environmental justice issue.