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Unit of study_

VSAO5605: Advanced Opera Performance Voice 3

2025 unit information

This unit continues the development of singers' technical and performance ability in line with developing individual artistic sensibility towards that expected of professional performers. Singers will become increasingly aware of the inter-relationship of diction and poetic/dramatic aspects of repertoire with musical, performance and cultural context. Self-sufficiency in practice, repertoire learning and role choice, is expected. Emphasis in repertoire is given to the integration of vocal technique with character and role building, including stage movement, gesture, and the imaginative communication of narrative, emotion and meaning.

Unit details and rules

Managing faculty or University school:

Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Study level Postgraduate
Academic unit Performance
Credit points 6
Assumed knowledge:

At the completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • LO1. demonstrate a growing functional understanding of all aspects of vocal technique including posture, relaxation, alignment of the body, effective connection of the breath, coordinated phonation
  • LO2. demonstrate even production of vowels, effective consonants, consistency of vocal tone throughout the range, phrasing, dynamics, legato and agility, tonal variety
  • LO3. demonstrate awareness of vocal health issues and current vocal health literature
  • LO4. show evidence of the development of effective and consistent practice techniques
  • LO5. choose/critically analyse technical and interpretive issues in selected operatic repertoire
  • LO6. research cultural and historical context of repertoire studied
  • LO7. listen/observe/critique your own and others’ performance positively
  • LO8. create a vivid, imaginative performance which integrates technical, musical, textual, stylistic and interpretive ability at a level towards that expected of professional performers
  • LO9. generate creative problem-solving strategies for stage work
  • LO10. develop an individual artistic voice in repertoire from varying languages and musical/dramatic styles.

Unit availability

This section lists the session, attendance modes and locations the unit is available in. There is a unit outline for each of the unit availabilities, which gives you information about the unit including assessment details and a schedule of weekly activities.

The outline is published 2 weeks before the first day of teaching. You can look at previous outlines for a guide to the details of a unit.

Session MoA ?  Location Outline ? 
Semester 1 2024
Normal day Sydney
Session MoA ?  Location Outline ? 
Semester 1 2025
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Session MoA ?  Location Outline ? 
Semester 1 2020
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2020
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 1 2021
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2021
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 1 2022
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2022
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable
Semester 1 2023
Normal day Sydney
Semester 2 2023
Normal day Sydney
Outline unavailable

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Modes of attendance (MoA)

This refers to the Mode of attendance (MoA) for the unit as it appears when you’re selecting your units in Sydney Student. Find more information about modes of attendance on our website.