Vaccinations - University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sydney


Vaccinations are important to keep your kitten and other cats protected.
Your kitten requires vaccinations to protect them against life-threatening infectious diseases.

To gain immunity, your kitten will need a series of booster vaccinations every 2-4 weeks between 6-16 weeks of age. After this, they will need a booster vaccination every 1- 3-years depending on the recommended vaccination schedule.

Due to supply problems, there is a shortage of feline vaccines in Australia, and this is expected to continue in 2024. Please get in touch with our clinic to discuss your kitten's vaccination schedule.

There are several types of vaccinations that your kitten may require throughout their life:

The F3 vaccine is a core vaccine that protects against Feline Rhinotracheitis (Herpesvirus), Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Parvovirus) and Feline Calicivirus. Adult cats require a booster every 3-years (indoor cats) or annually (indoor/outdoor cats).

At UVTHS, the F3 vaccine is currently prioritised for kittens and existing clients, including adult cats.

The FIV vaccine protects against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. This vaccination is only recommended for cats that roam outdoors and fight other cats, or that come into contact with an FIV positive cat. The prevalence of FIV in NSW is 15%. However, vaccination against FIV only has 50% efficacy. Adult cats require a booster every 12-months.

The FeLV vaccine protects against Feline Leukemia Virus. This vaccination is only recommended for cats living in high-density multi-cat households, cats that roam outdoors in an area with a high cat density, and cats living in shelters. The prevalence of FeLV in NSW is 10%. Adult cats require a booster every 12-months for 2-3 years.

Infectious diseases can be picked up through direct contact with infected cats, or through contact with infected environments. Your kitten should not be allowed to play outdoors in public areas until 10-14 days following their final vaccination to ensure their immunity.

Vaccination schedule

We recommend the following vaccination schedule for your kitten:

Age Vaccination
6-8 weeks 1st vaccination, F3 vaccine +/- FIV vaccine
10-12 weeks 2nd vaccination, F3 vaccine +/- FIV/FeLV vaccines
14-16 weeks 3rd vaccination, F3 vaccine +/- FIV/FeLV vaccines
16 weeks (if third vaccination given at 14-weeks of age) 4th vaccination, F3 vaccine


We recommend giving a F3 booster to your kitten at 6-9 months of age to ensure complete protection. After this, indoor only cats will need a F3 booster every 3-years. Cats that have access to the outdoors will need an F2 booster vaccine (which covers Feline Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus) every 12-months in-between the tri-annual F3 boosters.


Book a vaccination appointment

Call our clinic (02) 9351 3437